EWA Wrestling Application
Wrestlers name:
Home Town:
Wrestler Description:
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Style:
List of Common Moves(Minimum of 10):
Finishing Move:
Description of move:
Sample Ring Entrance:
Gimmicks (begs off, resistant to pain, rarely submits, etc):
For Tag teams Only
Tag Team Name:
Tag Team finisher and Description:
Entrance Music (if Different from each wrestler's entrance):
Sample RP- (ABOUT 20 LINES):
Past history with any e-fed:
How did you find the EWA(friend, RSPWF, EWWF Allaince home page, etc.):
Please fill this application out and send it to
ewa_prez99@hotmail.com. It's all pretty straight forward, but if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us by mailing the above address. All questions will be answered and all e-mails replied to. Thanks!