The Vienna Warhawk Site
This site is dedicated to the Vienna Warhawks Basketball Team who won the 1998 Fairfax County Summer Basketball Championship. The Warhawks are made up of 12 year old boys going into the seventh grade at various schools around the Vienna area. The team adopted the name and colors from the Madison High School Warhawks.
The idea of this web site all started with an e-mail I received from Brian Landry after the Warhawks had won the Summer League Championship. I guess Brian didn't know what to do with himself the rest of the summer, since all organized sports activities were winding down. He thought he would try his hand at creating a web site. He started reading about HTML and before you know it he was going full steam ahead. As the coach of the team, he sent me this e-mail telling me of his adventure and before you knew it, I was all consumed by the possibilities as well. I started e-mailing Brian back with photos, animated graphics, game summaries, statistics, etc... We put our two heads together and this is the result. We hope you enjoy the site and please drop us a line to let us know what you think.
Now this has become an award winning web site. Our page was nominated and won "The SWISH Award" for the week of December 4, 1998 for reporting the best information on youth basketball.