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Squash Drills

Service | Drives | Kills | Boast | Drops | Lob | Volley

  1. Hard practice for 30-45 minutes is better than 'dithering about' for two hours.
  2. Accuracy and consistency in feeding is important to practice effectively.
  3. Practices on forehand and backhand side.
  4. In feeding and shot sequences the players hit alternate shots.
  5. Target areas should get smaller as accuracy improves.
  6. Practices should be played at the appropriate pace for the standard of the players, can be made more demanding by increasing speed.
  7. Practices should be scored, using the American system as this gives more incentive to the players.
  8. Practices should be timed.
  9. These practices are for a right handed player. Please reverse for left handed players.


General Notes:

  • Lob serve should be hit high on the front wall, aiming to hit the side wall near the back of the court and drop to the floor near the back wall.
  • Hard serve is hit just above the cut line on the front wall, aiming to hit the side wall, low down, just behind the service box. It can also be aimed to a length straight at the opponent or close to the half-court line.


  1. Ten lob serves to target area at back of court from each service box.
  2. Ten hard serves, aiming for target areas near the side wall, half-court line and centre of back quarter.


  1. Service can be used to start many of the practices for other shots.
  2. Service competing with partner for points. Serve into back quarter for one point. Serve into back quarter behind back of service box for two points. Serve into back quarter behind back of service box off side wall for three points.


  1. Third player in front of short line attempting to catch the ball. When scoring: Should a catch be made, no points for the server. Should the ball be stopped but not caught, one point. Should catcher step behind short line, three points.

Forehand & Backhand Drives

General Notes

  • Ball should be aimed to go close to the side wall.
  • First bounce should be around the back of the service box.
  • Second bounce near the back wall
  • Ball should slide into the side wall near the back of the service box
  • Ball should not be aimed too near the corner on the front wall, as it will hit the side wall too early.

    Straight Drives-Solo

    1. Consecutive drives, aimed for a decreasing target area, progressing from the whole back quarter to the width of the service box, then a narrow channel along the side wall, or the service box.
    2. Consecutive drives to land behind service box.
    3. Drive alternately above and below the cut line.
    4. Drive alternately short and long to move backwards and forwards.
    5. Overhit drives-play ball continuously off back wall.
    6. Three good length drives, one short, continuously.
    7. One hard low shot, one higher recovery shot, continuously.
    8. Set number of good length shots, set up easy short shot, play next shot to perfect length into marked area in back corner of the court.

    Straight Drives-Pairs

    1. A feeds from behind, straight short ball for B on T to hit to good length.
    2. A feeds from behind, X-court short, for B on T to hit alternate forehand and backhand drives to good length.
    3. A feeds alternate forehand and backhand boast from behind for B on T to hit alternate forehand and backhand straight drives to a good length.
    4. A feeds any length X-court, for B to hit alternate forehand and backhand drives.
    5. A feeds any short shot from behind, i.e. boast, straight or X-court drop, or reverse angle. B plays straight drive.
    6. A plays boast from behind, B plays either straight or X- court drive, trying to wrong foot A and win the rally.
    7. Starting with a service or straight shot, both play good length straight drives into a target area the width of half- court, service box, or less, from short line to back wall. Move to T after each shot. Aim for up to 50 shot rally.

      As above, but score to 15, winning point if play winner, force boast, or opponent's shot goes out of court or misses target area. Stay in same half court for whole game.

    8. Starting with a service or straight shot, play rally down side wall making partner move forward and back by playing both short and long shots.
    9. As above, but score to 15, using target area width of half court, decreasing to service box or less.
    10. Starting with a service or first straight shot, play two or more straight drives, then boast, then same number of straight drives, on the other side, then boast, etc.
    11. Starting with a service or straight drive, rally down side wall. One or both players play random boast.
    12. Starting with a service or first straight drive, play two or more straight drives, then X-court, then same number of straight drives, X-court, etc.
    13. Starting with a service or straight drive, rally down side wall. One or both players play random X-court.
    14. A plays any short shot or straight length drive. B plays straight drive.
    15. A plays boast, B hits straight drive; score and lose point if straight drive hits side wall before back line of service box.
    16. A plays X-court or serves, B plays straight, A plays straight, B plays boast, A plays X-court, etc.
    17. As above, but with option to boast instead of first straight shot.
    18. A plays X-court or serves, B plays straight, A plays boast, B plays X-court, etc.
    19. As above, but with option to boast after X-court.
    20. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B plays straight drive, A plays straight drive, B boasts, etc.
    21. As above, but with option to boast first straight shot.
    22. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B plays straight drive, A boasts, etc.
    23. As above, but option to play straight or X-court drive.
    24. A plays straight or X-court drive, B plays boast or straight.
    25. A plays any short shot from back corner of the court, B returns ball to A's side of court with straight or X-court drive.
    26. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B drops, A plays straight drive, B boasts, etc.
    27. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B drops A plays straight or X-court, B boasts etc.
    28. A boasts, B drops and then straight drives own shot. A boasts etc.
    29. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive and boasts own shot, A plays X-court drive, etc.

    Straight Drives-Threes

    1. A on T plays straight drives, B and C with a ball each feed alternate short straight shots from behind, so that A has to move as fast as possible from side to side. Either count the number of shots that land behind the short line in two or three minutes or check time taken to hit 100 shots into the target area. Alternatively, the players can do a forfeit of shuttle runs or an exercise when they have made three mistakes.
    2. Circling-for three or more. Players take turns to straight drive the ball to land in the service box, then move to T and join back of queue. Aim for longest rally or drop out after losing three lives.
    3. A on T plays a number of straight drives; B and C with a ball each feed alternately. B feeds a short straight shot from behind and C feeds a straight length from in front. B and C then change roles so that B feeds length and C feeds short.
    4. A on T plays straight length shots. B and C feed any straight or X-court short shot from behind.
    5. B feeds high straight shot for A to volley. C feeds straight shot for A to drive. B and C then change roles.

    Straight Drives-Conditioned games

    1. One player can play only straight shots-short or long, hard or soft, may only boast if necessary from back corners.
    2. One player may only play straight length shots, i.e. loses point if ball bounces in front of short line, or wrong side of court. With increasing accuracy, may use only width of service box.
    3. One player may only win rally with straight length.
    4. One player only plays length, straight or X-court.
    5. Both players only play lengths, initially using half court, progressing to width of service box only.

    Cross Court Drives-Solo

    1. Set up easy shot, hit X-court for ball to die in back corner.
    2. Two straight shots then X-court drive for ball to die in back corner.
    3. One straight drive, one boast, then X-court for ball to die in back corner.
    4. Overhit straight drive, play X-court for ball to die in back corner.

    Cross Court Drives-Pairs

    1. A feeds short X-court from behind, B plays X-court to length as a continuous rally.
    2. A feeds any length X-court, B plays X-court length.
    3. A feeds short straight shot, B plays X-court length.
    4. A plays boast, B plays X-court length.
    5. A plays boast, B plays straight or X-court length.
    6. Starting with a serve, play two or more straight drives, then X-court, then same number of straight drives, then X-court. etc.
    7. Starting with a serve, play either X-court or straight length Try to volley any weak X-courts.
    8. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A plays boast, B plays X-court etc.
    9. As above, but have option to boast after X-court shot.
    10. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A plays straight drive, B plays boast, A plays X-court.
    11. As above, but have option to boast after X-court.
    12. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive,
    13. A feeds any short shot from behind, B plays straight or X- Court drives.
    14. A feeds any short shot from back corner of court. B returns ball to A's side of court with straight or X-court drive.
    15. A plays straight or X-court drive, B plays boast or straight drive.

    Cross Court Drives-Conditioned Games

    1. A can only play length shots either straight or X-court, loses point if ball bounces in front of short line, boast only from back corner.
    2. A can only play X-court shots, B plays normal game.
    3. One player can only win rally with X-court length.

    Short Kills

    General Notes:

    • Hit ball fast on top of bounce.
    • Aim low on front wall to die in the nick near the front wall.
    • Easier to play from front of court.

    Short Kills-Solo

    1. Set up high bouncing straight shot and try to hit fast into nick. Try straight and then X-court shot. Straight Short Kill-Pairs
    2. A feeds from behind, short straight, B tries to kill into nick.
    3. A serves, B plays short X-court, A kills short straight shot into nick.
    4. A serves, B plays boast, A kills short straight shot into nick.
    5. As above, rally should continue if possible after kill shot, with A playing short straight kill off every short ball.

    Cross Court Short Kill-Pairs

    1. A plays boast, B plays short X-court kill, A tries to pick up shot and boast to keep rally going.
    2. A serves, B plays short bad X-court, A kills short X-court.
    3. A serves, B plays boast, A kills short X-court.
    4. As above; rally should continue if possible after kill with A trying to hit short X-court kill off every short ball.

    Forehand & Backhand Boast

    • Ball should be aimed on nearest side wall, so that it lands in nick on opposite side wall near the front.
    • Alternative two wall boast is aimed to die after hitting front wall low.
    • Defensive boast is played from behind opponent and attacking boast usually from in front.


    1. Set up easy straight shot for boast.
    2. Two or more straight drives then boast, run to pick up for two or more straight drives on the other side then boast, etc., boast, drop, etc., so moving side to side.
    3. From short line, straight drive, boast, drop, weak X-court, boast, etc
    4. Throw ball to practice back corner boast: (a) throw onto backwall, play boast; (b) throw so that ball hits back wall then side wall, play boast; (c) throw so that ball hits side wall then back wall, play boast. Repeat in other back corner.


    1. A plays boast from back of court, B plays X-court drive. Increase speed as accuracy improves. Also vary length of X- court.
    2. A plays boast from back of court, B plays alternate forehand and backhand straight drives to a length.
    3. A plays boast from back of court, B plays either straight or X-court drives to wrong-foot A and win the rally.
    4. Starting with a serve, play two or more straight drives, then boast; then same number of straight drives down other side wall.
    5. Starting with a serve, rally down side wall, one or both players play random boast, then rally down other side wall.
    6. A plays boast, B plays drop, A plays boast, B plays drive, A plays boast, etc. When B has hit 10-20 drives, switch sides for the drop, and drive and repeat with same number of drives.
    7. A plays alternate forehand and backhand boast, B may straight drop or drive.
    8. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A boasts, B plays X-court, etc.
    9. As above, but option to play boast instead of straight drive.
    10. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A boasts or plays straight drive, B plays X-court from boast or boast after straight drive, etc.
    11. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A plays straight drive, B boasts, A plays X-court, etc.
    12. As above, but option to play boast instead of first straight drive.
    13. A plays X-court from front of court, B plays straight drive, then boasts own shot.
    14. A serves or plays straight drive, B plays boast, A plays drop, B plays straight drive, etc.
    15. A serves or plays straight drive, B plays boast, A plays drop, B plays straight drive, A plays straight drive, B plays boast. etc.
    16. A serves or plays straight drive, B plays boast, A plays drop, B plays drop, A plays straight drive, B plays boast, etc.
    17. A serves or plays straight drive, B plays boast, A plays drop B plays straight or X-court drive, A plays boast, etc.
    18. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays boast, A plays drop, B plays X-court drive, A plays boast, etc.
    19. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays boast, A plays drop, B plays X-court drive, A plays straight drive, B plays boast, etc.
    20. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays boast, A plays straight or X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A plays boast, etc.
    21. A serves or plays X-court length, B plays boast A plays X-court short, B plays boast, A plays X-court length etc.
    22. A feeds any short shot from behind, i.e. boast, drop or reverse angle. B returns ball to A's back quarter of the court, using straight or X-court drive.
    23. A feeds any short shot from behind, B plays straight drive.


    1. A plays X-court, B and C take it in turns to boast, moving to T after playing shot.
    2. A plays alternate forehand and backhand straight shots from T. B plays backhand boast, C plays forehand boast.
    3. A plays backhand straight drives from front, B plays forehand straight drives from front, C plays alternate backhand and forehand boast from behind.

    Boast-Conditioned Games

    1. A plays only straight drives and boasts, B plays normal game.
    2. Play normal game but only two areas of court into which players can hit the ball: (a) width of service box in front of short line to front wall or (b) width of service box on other side, behind short line to back wall. This area can be further restricted to behind service box.

    Forehand & Backhand Dropshots

    General Notes:

    • At lower standard of play dropshots are best played off a short ball or boast because of accuracy needed.
    • More experienced players play them from anywhere on the court.
    • Ideally ball should hit front wall first, then side wall near floor, or into nick.
    • Straight drop effective as does not have so far to travel and dies quickly.

    Straight Drop-Solo

    1. Set up easy short straight shot. Drop into front then side wall.
    2. Feed shot onto front wall, side wall, then drop.
    3. Play two or more length drives, drop from behind short line.

    Straight Drop-Pairs

    1. Both players at front of court, A feeds ball onto front wall, B standing just in front, plays drop. To progress, A tries to return ball for continuous feeding.
    2. A feeds 100 straight shots continuously from front of court. B plays straight drop or drop volley. Count mistakes. Should be less than ten.
    3. A serves, B boasts, A plays drop, end of rally.
    4. A serves, B boasts, A plays drop, B plays drop, A plays drop, etc., both moving to middle of court after playing shot.
    5. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B drives straight, A drops, B straight drive, etc.
    6. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B drops, A drives straight, B boasts, etc.
    7. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B drives straight. A drives straight, B boasts, A drops, etc.
    8. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B drops, A drives straight, B drives straight, A boasts, B drops, A drops, etc.
    9. A boasts from back of court, B drops. then straight drives own shot, A boasts, etc.
    10. A plays straight drives from front, B plays straight drops from back.
    11. A plays straight or X-court from front, B plays straight drops from back.
    12. A serves or plays straight drive, B plays boast, A drops, B plays straight or X-court drive, A boasts, etc.
    13. A plays any short shot, i.e. boast, drop or reverse angle, from back quarter of the court, B returns ball to A's back quarter of the court.
    14. A plays any short shot from back of court, B plays straight drive.

    Straight Drop-threes

    1. Circling, each playing dropshot.
    2. A serves, B boasts, C waiting on T drops-static practice.
    3. A on T plays straight drive, B from back or forehand side, plays any short shot, C from backhand side does the same.
    4. Using two balls, A on T plays straight drive; B and C from back (one on each side of court) play straight drop alternately.
    5. A on T plays straight or X-court drive, B and C from back play straight drop.

    Straight Drop-Conditioned games

    1. Both players can only win a point if they win the rally on a dropshot.
    2. One or both players must always play drop after boast, lose point if do not attempt to do so.
    3. Apart from serve, game to be only played in front of short line.
    4. Player scores a bonus point if they can win the rally with a straight drop.

    Cross Court Drop, Reverse Angle and Short Angle

    General Notes:

    • Cross court drop should hit front wall, then side wall near the floor. The shot is effective if played accurately, but will bounce out into middle of court because of the angle if played badly.
    • Reverse angle hits the opposite side wall first, then front wall.
    • Short angle is a boast played close to the front wall.

    The following practices are particularly suitable for these shots, but most of the straight drop practices can also be used.

    Cross Court Drop, Reverse Angle and Short Angle-Solo.

    1. Feed easy straight shot, X-court drop or reverse angle, or short angle.
    2. Feed shot onto front wall, side wall, play X-court drop, reverse angle or short angle.
    3. Three long drives, X-court drop from back of court, or reverse angle.
    4. Stand in front of short line, hit alternately front wall, side wall and side wall, front wall, aiming very close to the corner.

    Cross Court Drop, Reverse Angle and Short Angle-Pairs

    1. A feeds easy straight shot from behind, B on T plays X-court drop, short or reverse angle.
    2. A plays straight drive, B plays X-court drop, continuous rally.
    3. A plays X-court drive, B plays X-court drop or reverse angle.
    4. A serves, B plays boast, A plays X-court drop, B plays drive, A plays boast, etc.
    5. A feeds short straight shot from front of court, B plays short angle.
    6. A serves, B boasts, A plays short angle, B drives, A boasts, etc.
    7. A serves, B boasts, A plays short angle, B plays short angle, A plays short angle, etc.
    8. A plays long X-court, B boasts, A plays short X-court, B plays short angle.
    9. A plays boast, B plays drop, A plays short angle, B plays drive, A plays boast, etc.
    10. A plays straight length or short, B plays boast.

    Cross Court Drop, Reverse Angle and Short Angle - Conditioned Games

    1. Both players can only win a point if they win the rally with one of these shots.
    2. One or both players must always play a short shot after the boast.
    3. Apart from the serve, game to be played only in front of short line.
    4. Players score a bonus point if they can win the rally with a short shot.

    Forehand & Backhand Lobs

    General Notes:

    • Ball should be aimed high on front wall.
    • The ball should land behind the service box, so that it dies into the back wall.
    • Cross court lob should be high enough over the T so that it cannot be intercepted on the volley.
    • Straight lob should be close to side wall.


      1. Feed short shot, lob straight to drop in back of court.
      2. Feed short shot, lob X-court.
      3. Boast from in front of short line, lob straight or X-court.
      4. Boast from in front of short line, drop, lob straight or X- court.
      5. Boast, lob X-court, straight drive, boast, lob X-court, etc.
      6. Boast, lob straight. straight drive, boast, lob straight, etc.


      1. A feeds short straight shot from behind, B on T plays straight
      2. A feeds short X-court, B plays X-court lob.
      3. A plays boast from back, B plays X-court lob.
      4. A plays boast, B plays straight lob.
      5. A plays boast, B plays straight or X-court lob.
      6. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A lobs straight B drives straight, A boasts, B lobs straight, etc. (Have option to play another boast after lob, if lob too good to drive).
      7. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A lobs X-court, B drives straight. A boasts, etc. (Have option to play boast if lob too good to drive).
      8. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops straight, B lobs straight, A boasts, etc.
      9. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops straight B lobs X-court, A drives straight, B boasts, etc. (Boast if lob too good to drive).
      10. A serves or plays drive, B boasts, A drops straight, B lobs straight or X-court, A boasts, etc.
      11. A serves or plays straight drive, B boasts, A drops, B lobs straight or X-court, A drives straight-t, B boasts, etc. (Boast if lob too good to drive).
      12. A serves or plays X-court drive, B boasts, A drops, B drops, A plays X-court lob, B boasts, etc.
      13. A serves or plays straight drive. B boasts, A drops, B drops, A plays straight or X-court lob, B boasts, etc.


      1. A plays straight lobs from T. B plays forehand boast from back of court, C plays backhand boast from back of court.
      2. A plays X-court lob from front of court, B and C take it in turns to play boast. Move to T after the boast.
      3. A stands on T and without moving, tries to volley the X-court lob played by B, which C boasts.

      Lobs-Conditioned Games

      1. Both players can only win point if they win a rally on a lob
      2. One player must play only length shots, mainly lobs, i.e the ball must land behind short line.
      3. One or both players must always play lob after boast, lose the point if not attempting to do so.
      4. One or both players must always play lob after drop, lose the point if not attempting to do so.

      Forehand & Backhand Volleys

      Length Volleys

      General Notes

      • Volleying straight to a length the ball should run close to side wall.
      • Ball should slide into the side wall near the back of the service box.
      • Ball should bounce first around the back of the service box. Second bounce near the back wall.
      • Second bounce near the back wall.
      • Cross court length volleys should die in opposite back corner.

      Length Volleys - Solo

      1. Alternate drive and volley.
      2. Volley rally, start close to the front wall, move two paces further back after hitting six or more consecutive volleys at each distance.
      3. Start near the front wall, gradually moving back while keeping ball going to behind service box, then forward again.
      4. Alternate forehand and backhand volleys.
      5. Round the clock volleys - hit one forehand, one backhand, two forehand, two backhand etc up to twelve.
      6. Two or more straight volleys, one X-court to length.
      7. Stand close to front corner, volley alternately forehand and backhand, hitting side wall, front wall, then front wall, side wall, close to the corner

      Length Volleys-Pairs

      1. A feeds alternate low and high shots from behind, B on T plays alternate straight drive and volley.
      2. A feeds high straight ball from behind, B on T plays straight volley. Continuous feeding.
      3. A feeds high X-court from behind, B on T plays straight r volleys, therefore both play alternate forehand and backhand.
      4. A feeds high straight ball from behind, B plays X-court volley; both players are hitting alternate forehand and backhand.
      5. A plays straight ball to forehand, B volleys straight, A plays X-court to backhand, B volleys X-court backhand to A in back forehand corner.
      6. A plays either straight or X-court feed, B must play only straight volleys.
      7. A plays either straight or X-court feed, B must play only X-Court volleys.
      8. Both players must play every ball on the volley, lose point if ball bounces before reaching short line. Rallies will probably be short.

      Volley Boast

      General Notes

      • Ball should be aimed down to hit front wall then side wall near '
      • Straight volley will get there quicker and not give opponent
      • Cross-court short volley effective depending on position of more than straight volley.
      • Volley boast is played onto nearest side wall and aimed to hit wall low and nick on opposite side wall near front.

      Short Volleys and Volley Boast-Solo

      1. Set up high shot, volley straight into front corner so that ball
      2. Set up high shot, volley X-court in-o front corner.
      3. Set up high shot, volley boast.
      4. Alternate ;drive and short volley either straight, X-court or
      5. Two or more length volleys, one short volley either straight , X-court or boast.

      Short Volleys and Volley Boast-Pairs

      1. A feeds high straight ball from behind, B on T hits short , straight volley or volley boast.
      2. A feeds high X-court ball from behind, B on T hits short straight volley.
      3. A feeds high straight ball for B to play X-court volley.
      4. A feeds high X-court ball for B to play X-court short volley.
      5. A feeds high straight ball from behind for B to hit length volleys; on the fourth shot, B hits either straight or X-court short for winner.
      6. A feeds from behind either straight or X-court, B plays length volleys, then chooses ball to hit short for winner. .
      7. A feeds straight from behind, B plays either short or long straight volley, but loses life if ball bounces between short and long target. Play first volley long.
      8. A serves, B plays bad X-court return, A intercepts to play short volley into nearest corner.
      9. A serves, rally down side wall, both trying to intercept on volley, playing length volleys and choosing right shot to go for short straight winner. (It is easier to play the shot when the ball' is some distance from the side wall, i.e. nearer the middle, to give a good angle).
      10. A plays short drive or short volley from behind, B on T must pick-up shot and play high shot straight or X-court for A to volley etc.
      11. Continuous rally-A hits any short shot, B hits straight or X-court lengths. As soon as A hits winner, roles change.
      12. A serves or plays X-court drive, B plays straight drive, A plays trickle boast, B plays X-court. A tries to intercept and hit short straight winning volley, if not rally continues. Boast, X-court, straight, etc.
      13. A serves, rally down side wall, trying to intercept on volley, choose appropriate shot to try to hit X-court short volley or boast winner; if not winner, then rally continues on other side of court.
      14. A plays a short volley or any other short shot. B returns shot to A's side of court with straight or X- court drive or lob.
      15. A plays a short volley or any other short shot, B hits straight , drive or lob.

      Short Volleys-Threes

      1. A on T hits alternate forehand and backhand short straight volley; B and C feed a high straight shot with a ball each from behind. Make A play into target area and count number of times does so out of certain number of shots given.
      2. A on T hits short straight volley one side, long volley the other. B and C feed with a ball each from behind. Hit 50-100 volleys, then change sides for short and long volley.

      Short Volleys and Volley Boast-Conditioned games

      1. Both players can only win a point if they win the rally with a short volley or volley boast.
      2. Players score a bonus point if they win the rally with a short volley or volley boast.
      3. Play game in restricted area of court, either using only a channel either side the width of the service box, or a short channel from the service box to the back wall on one side and from the short line to the front wall on the other. These areas allow quite a wide variety of shots to be played, and can therefore be used as conditioned games for other shots.