-- -->
Some more squash
liew vee ky - 10/23/00 14:53:13
My Email:veeky@lovemail.com
Play at: malaysia
not bad
Alaap - 10/07/00 03:25:59
My Email:tinamou_9@usa.net
Play at: Pune
Res Phone: 7120696
| Comments:
sargam tatwawadi - 10/04/00 15:34:46
My Email:lissombabe@usa.net
Play at: c.m.e.,pune
Res Phone: (020)7120696
| Comments:
jaswinder pal - 09/26/00 05:34:46
My Email:jaswinder.pal@usa.net
Play at: singapore polytechnic
Res Phone: 65-4713414
| Comments:
a good overall site for the related subject.
Rachita - 09/21/00 17:03:37
My Email:rachita_@hotmail.com
Play at: CCI
| Comments:
Hey Cy,
THis site kicks ass!It gets better everytime i get on it..!Some great tips u got here.Keep it goin!Oh and ya,a suggestion 2 make it better - more pics of me,ha!:))Anyways,all the best for everything...
Kaare-Dag - 09/20/00 18:26:20
Play at: Aalesund, Norway
| Comments:
Thanks for good hints that will improve my squash abilities !!
nilesh salkar - 09/04/00 13:15:29
My Email:n_salkar@indiatimes.com
Play at: NOI goa
Off Phone: 0832- 511110
Res Phone: 0832- 511175
| Comments:
hey thats a neat site youve got! do you remember you had a camp at our club? do come again
Tracee - 09/04/00 05:25:53
My Email:trace@tracee.co.uk
Play at: David Lloyd Club
| Comments:
Great website, loads of useful info. Keep up the good work!!
Andy Crews - 08/31/00 19:43:57
My Email:ace@squash.worldsport.com
Play at: Westchester
| Comments:
I am a 15 year old (high ranking) player in the US interested in possibly attending the squash camp next summer - (the CCI camp at the Cricket Club mentioned on your website). Is this in New Delhi? I as this as my father used to live in Delhi.
Neeraj - 08/26/00 14:33:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/justsquashit
My Email:insnaity@dangerous-minds.com
Play at: Wextern Australia
| Comments:
This is a kick ass site whoever made this
it is the best
it has all the info and it rulzzz!!
i play squash in western australia and i am an indian as well
this is the best site!!!!!!!!!
Adrian Ezra - 08/17/00 16:54:27
My Email:adrian_ezra@yahoo.com
Play at: London
| Comments:
Good to see these pages...
shubika - 08/06/00 16:06:29
My Email:shubikab@hotmail.com
Play at: willingdon
Res Phone: 4949430
| Comments:
Himanshu - 08/03/00 18:49:15
My Email:vijaysud1@vsnl.com
Play at: Lawrence School Sanawar HP
Res Phone: 0177-202108
| Comments:
nice site, more on equippment required specially advice on rackets
rustom dalal - 07/31/00 13:07:55
My Email:
Play at: otters club
Off Phone: 6436800
| Comments:
Phil Thom - 07/24/00 19:08:46
My Email:pmthom@xtra.co.nz
Play at: Waiuku, New Zealand
Res Phone: 0064-09-2357275
Mobile: 025-2913240
Fax: 0064-09-2357275
| Comments:
Everett - 07/23/00 02:02:10
My Email:e-t-c@usa.net
Play at: South America
| Comments:
I'm am just getting started in Squash. Until now it is one of the most complete Squash Websites I've seen. Keep on the good work!!
By the way, hopefully I can apply your tips in the tournament I'm playing in.
vincent richard [mad wizard] - 07/21/00 11:09:08
My URL:http/poetic.com.rap/hiphop/.com
My Email:dmcrap@hotmail.com
Res Phone: 77288945
| Comments:
i am from malaysia and my fan is baby rhea i am always with you hope you win the future tournoments
vincent richard [mad wizard] - 07/21/00 11:08:57
My URL:http/poetic.com.rap/hiphop/.com
My Email:dmcrap@hotmail.com
Res Phone: 77288945
| Comments:
i am from malaysia and my fan is baby rhea i am always with you hope you win the future tournoments
- 07/18/00 15:16:42
| Comments:
Heemanshu Midde - 07/18/00 11:04:28
My Email:manshu9@hotmail.com
Play at: 2815/207/ sec-3 c.g.s colony , antophill, mumbai 400037
Res Phone: 4035694
| Comments:
Age 19
Studying Computer Engineering in vashi
I love to play Football, Badminton, Carrom, Chess.
But I love to watch Cricket and Athletics on T.V
I would love to be a part of this small Guestbook
jolena singh - 07/15/00 08:00:33
My Email:jolenas_s@yahoo.com
Play at: madras
Off Phone: 044-8255630
Res Phone: 8235635
| Comments:
Nitin C. - 07/14/00 18:56:15
My Email:fitdoc@usa.net
Res Phone: 4306688
| Comments:
All the best to you, Junaid, Mihir and Bikram for Milan .....
SUBODH VERMA - 07/12/00 13:27:44
My Email:sverma@hyperia.com
Play at: lagos , nigeria
Off Phone: 234-1-2620705
Res Phone: 234-1-5876586,5876610
Mobile: n.a.
Fax: 234-1-2610392
| Comments:
I am keen to send the entry of my son vishal for the WMI CRANES - LITTLE MASTERS , INDIAN JUNIOR OPEN AND SUB JR AND JR NATIONALS . He will participate in the age group of under 11 ( d.o.b. -- 24--3--91 ) . Also i would request you to please send me info
as to when can he join you
for coaching . He is playing the game for last three years . he is aa INDIAN passport holder studying at NIGERIA . you advice will be much appreciated .
SUBODH VERMA - 07/12/00 13:26:48
My Email:sverma@hyperia.com
Play at: lagos , nigeria
Off Phone: 234-1-2620705
Res Phone: 234-1-5876586,5876610
Mobile: n.a.
Fax: 234-1-2610392
| Comments:
I am keen to send the entry of my son vishal for the WMI CRANES - LITTLE MASTERS , INDIAN JUNIOR OPEN AND SUB JR AND JR NATIONALS . He will participate in the age group of under 11 ( d.o.b. -- 24--3--91 ) . Also i would request you to please send me info
as to when can he join you for coaching . He is playing the game for last three years . he is aa INDIAN passport holder studying at NIGERIA . you advice will be much appreciated .
Jatin Bery - 07/06/00 15:54:15
My Email:jbery@hotmail.com
| Comments:
Good to know that you are keeping up with squash. Its a good website.
rohit - 07/03/00 09:16:06
My Email:rohit23@yahoo.com
Play at: bombay
Off Phone: 022-6423951
Res Phone: 022-6436800
| Comments:
Kshetij Nohwar - 07/02/00 10:25:51
My Email:kshetijnohwar@hotmail.com
Play at: US Club
Res Phone: 022-2814270
| Comments:
Good site!!!!!
anurag - 06/29/00 05:10:13
My Email:anurag_gill@yahoo.com
Play at: otters club
Res Phone: 6188505
Mobile: 9820065989
| Comments:
cool site dude
preet singh - 06/28/00 01:39:27
My Email:preet21@yahoo.com
Play at: delhi
| Comments:
it has been more than a month and i see you are not updating your website, what,s the reason man?
same old articles and same old stories,
Chris Chan - 06/18/00 12:33:51
My Email:cchan@squash.worldsport.com
Play at: Brisbane, Australia
| Comments:
This is a really great site, very comprehensive about the whole game and I really like it. Keep up the good work.
Dr. Ajay Wadhwa - 06/06/00 06:46:07
My Email:awadhwakc@hotmail.com
Play at: Rohini sports complex Delhi India
Res Phone: 7130199
| Comments:
I would like to get regular information on forthcoming tournaments in India at my E-mail.
prakash - 05/30/00 13:35:24
| Comments:
Hisham - 05/26/00 12:38:35
My Email:Hishama@worldonline.co.za
Play at: Act.Squash Club(S.A)
Res Phone: (S.A)011-421-0474
Fax: 011-421-0474
| Comments:
I enjoy this squash site as it gives me good tips
to improve my squash game
RahAT mANeKYa - 05/24/00 20:24:32
My Email:iamtipsy@hotmail.com
| Comments:
very SmOOTh !!!!!!....... indeed ... umm
Naseem Ahmed - 05/24/00 11:13:53
My URL:http://www.vipsports.fi
My Email:squash@vipsports.fi
Play at: squash keskus,helsinki/Finland
Off Phone: +358 9 7276661
Res Phone: +358 9 3231578
Mobile: +358 50 5658833
Fax: +358 9 7276662
| Comments:
I am involved with squash for the last 25 years.
at present,I am running a squash club in Helsinki/
Finland.My son Hameed Ahmed (14) is Finnish junior
champion under 15 and 17.I am looking for contacts
with other Squash friends.
Wg Cdr S K John(retd) - 05/23/00 08:29:59
My Email:sjohn@gov.bw
Play at: Gaborone
Off Phone: 00 267 356926
Res Phone: 00 267 311804
Mobile: 71675769
Fax: 00 267 357162
| Comments:
A very informative site.
- 05/19/00 09:04:03
| Comments:
Faizel Bassa - 05/16/00 18:20:34
My Email:faizel@icon.co.za
Off Phone: +27319024961
Res Phone: ---
Fax: +27319024195
| Comments:
Excellent squash sites. Best so far - very informative. Learnt alot
Faizel from South Africa
Sahil Vora - 05/13/00 18:30:04
My Email:svora2001@hotmail.com
Play at: cci\otters\soon bgym
| Comments:
kewl site.....
good stuff i must say....but why bother reading it all when i have the when i have the original coaching me....!!
anyways not every1 is lucky
keep it up
potato(but not 4 long)
Junaid Nathani - 05/12/00 19:00:33
Play at: Otters Club
Res Phone: 1 0 0
| Comments:
Amazing Web site, Good Information, tips etc..
and last but not least
ps now for saying all this excuse me when i come late for training...
trupti - 04/22/00 09:36:58
My Email:truptig@hotmail.com
Play at: Not yet started playing
Off Phone: 2673333 (ext - 8633)
Res Phone: 3863737
| Comments:
I want to learn to play squash. How can you help me with coaching?
Kashmira - 04/21/00 04:29:07
My URL:http://kattymira.tripod.com/
My Email:k_kashmira@hotmail.com
Play at: :-(...I dont 'SQUASH' around..
| Comments:
Hey you people...
I have no clue what brought me to this site and am even more clueless on how Cyrus signed my 'SLAMBOOK'. Anyways, now that I'm here , Id like to tell everyone.......
PARTY TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!
And u know wot........
Arseneau - 04/20/00 20:13:58
My Email:tfg37@hotmail.com
Play at: Shearwater NS
| Comments:
very interresting site...
kailash bhatt - 04/18/00 19:50:50
My Email:kbhatt_16@yahoo.com
Play at: navi mumbai
Res Phone: 7892177 & 2072
| Comments:
i found ur site very informational,best for squash tips.best of luck.......
anirudh hariani - 04/08/00 13:32:04
My Email:ani_hariani@yahoo.com
Play at: willingdon
Res Phone: 3865487
| Comments:
nice website!
Humza Amjad - 04/05/00 14:04:21
My Email:humzathelaw@yahoo.co.uk
Play at: Lahore Gymkhana
Off Phone: (92-42) 5717285
Res Phone: (92-42) 5711519
Mobile: (92)0300-455230
Fax: (92-42) 7721466
| Comments:
I'm from England, but I'm currently living in Pakistan. I have just started the game of squash, and I feel like I will continue playing for some time. I'd really like it if you could send me a customized free schedule. I've signed up for one, so I'd be wa
ting to hear from you soon. Please reply soon. THANKS A MILLION!!!!!
zarir aibara - 04/03/00 16:06:04
My Email:zaru_coolio@usa.net
Play at: bombay gym
Off Phone: 2184881
Res Phone: 3642952
Mobile: 00000
Fax: 0000
| Comments:
siraj khan - 04/01/00 20:27:41
My Email:feroz1964@usa.net
Play at: jic hyderabad
Off Phone: 4511554
| Comments:
nice site with lots of information.
himanshu gill - 03/26/00 16:22:15
My Email:himanshu@hotmail.com
Play at: delhi
| Comments:
dear cyrus,
i don't get the updated news of squash in india. please update.
love himanshu
Angela - 03/26/00 06:31:19
| Comments:
naveen - 03/25/00 08:21:09
My Email:nkssks@ rediff.com
Play at: waltair club vizag
Res Phone: 0891 554847
Fax: 0891 561447
| Comments:
i was quite impressed with yr squash link . it is almost a complete portal for squash.
i want to know if there are any glass courts in india.
Peter Christensen - 03/24/00 16:17:02
My Email:letline@iafrica.com
Mobile: 0829016828
Fax: (013)7413245
| Comments:
I think that your website is very interesting and detailed and I have already learnt a lot from it!
S. Sundaram - 03/14/00 15:12:22
My Email:Ssundara@gw.bsu.edu
Res Phone: 765.747.8264
| Comments:
I have stopped playing squash. Your web reminds me of my younger days. I am particularly excited to see my neice Vasavi Sundaram learning a neat game.
gerald godinho - 03/09/00 20:24:19
My Email:fmg@idirect.com
Play at: fit 4 life
Off Phone: 416.860.7629
Res Phone: 416.739.1021
Fax: 416.860.6798
| Comments:
great web site, very useful and helpful.
keep up the good work
hemant patel - 03/09/00 19:08:56
My Email:hemant_patel@yahoo.com
Play at: ahmedabad
| Comments:
Recently you have not been updating your website, what is the reason? We get all the news from www.ispsquash.com which is being updated twice in a week.. sir, please also try to update.
Dr. Nitin Chhoda - 03/09/00 05:53:09
My Email:dr_nitin@yahoo.com
Res Phone: 4306688
| Comments:
Good stuff !
Jacob K Jacob - 03/08/00 09:19:05
My Email:j_k_jacob@vsnl.com
Play at: Calcutta Racket Club (used to)
Off Phone: 6990551
Res Phone: 6348491
Fax: 6635536
| Comments:
A Godsend! — I coach a few youngsters in a nearby Bangalore school– gratis, to give something back to a sport I love! –; never having coached anyone other than my children, I was at a loss as to how to do it (I'm 67 & now retired). Your website has shown
he way. Many many thanks
Wd appreciate advice on where I can get a good book on coaching (though your drills link is pretty exhaustive!
Alexander Dassen - 03/03/00 15:54:41
My Email:alexander_dassen@hotmail.com
| Comments:
Very nice site. Nice tips/drills for a recreational player!!
Priya - 02/27/00 09:46:42
My URL:http://windsorcastlehotel.com
My Email:priya_a_patil@hotmail.com
Play at: Aurangabad,Maharashtra
Off Phone: 0240-484818
Res Phone: 0240-482659
Mobile: 98220 49878
Fax: 0240-488250
| Comments:
This is wonderful web site for squash lovers,I was searching for good web site where everything required to improve your game and other information is given,today is my lucky day I found this site.I am 32 and started playing 5 months back but as I was in
ports from childhood could learn quickly and now I continuously trying to improve my game. It feels great to find a Indian who is great player has done good job for other learners
thank you cyrus
b.bhaskaran - 02/21/00 13:15:23
My Email:bhaskar1501@hotmail.com
Play at: chennai
| Comments:
visited your website and no result of manish chortani and vikram at the nationals in chennai.
the site of indian squash professional is very informative. please up date your site.
Tom de Lang - 02/17/00 19:17:43
My Email:tomdelang@hotmail.com
Play at: Squash Time Eindhoven
Off Phone: +31 40 241 14 11
| Comments:
Very good initiative, lot of useful information.
Thank you very much and keep up the good work!
Tom de Lang
robert allen - 02/17/00 14:17:16
My Email:rda8@columbia.edu
Play at: columbia university
Off Phone: 212.305.5601
| Comments:
Pothen Philip - 02/14/00 04:46:17
My URL:http://cetexpetro.com
My Email:philip@cetexpetro.com
Play at: Cosmopolitan Club & Madras Race Club, Chennai
Off Phone: 44 - 5941538
Res Phone: 44 - 6215512
Fax: 44 - 5941835
| Comments:
We really missed the chance of getting trained under you at Madras Race Club last time, because of a mess-up by the Club authorities - my daughters and I look forward to seeing you and taking tips and guidance from you next time you are here. Do let us kn
Regards, Pothen Philip
PS: We met at the Race Club - you gave a chance for my daughters to play for a short while.
tmaher - 02/11/00 16:23:34
My Email:tmar@eircom.net
Play at: portmarnock,ireland
Res Phone: 353/01/8460339
| Comments:
good site. i'm 46 been playing for 20 years. still need some tips
imtiaz - 02/07/00 16:48:29
My Email:imtiaz@eth.net
Play at: cosmopolitan club m r c club
| Comments:
G.Vignesh Rajan - 02/02/00 13:23:48
My Email:vicknesh@vsnl.com
Play at: Race Club
Off Phone: (044)6404041
Res Phone: (044)6260787
Mobile: 9840060787
| Comments:
I was just visiting your page. It is great.
(Got coached by you at Race club)
premkkumar k.s. - 02/01/00 12:17:17
My URL:www.rscan.com
My Email:rscan@rscan.com
Play at: madras race club
Off Phone: 044 -8261235
Res Phone: 044- 2341895
Mobile: 098410-77367
Fax: 044 - 8233767
| Comments:
Darab "UK" Khan - 01/18/00 12:27:18
My Email:you know
Play at: you know
Off Phone: yeeesh
Res Phone: ya right.
Mobile: pervert
Fax: nope
| Comments:
Visiting the site after a while. Keeps me in touch with whats happening at home. Excellent work. Keep it up. All the Best to the Bombay University Boys to bring home the National University Cup!! Wish I was with you boys!!! Kick ass Bombay!
Ms Rachana Maheshwari - 01/15/00 19:06:42
My Email:mrachana@hotmail.com
Play at: Andheri Sports Complex
Off Phone: 022-4913030/3131
Res Phone: 022-4225151/7171
Mobile: 9820191090
Fax: 4913132
| Comments:
Asawari - 01/10/00 15:11:16 My Email:ashirgy@yahoo.com Play at:
Comments: Hey coach, how is the wedding going?
see youy there, |
Bipin Sehgal - 01/07/00 04:55:01 My Email:bipin.sehgal@iname.com Play
at: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA Off
Phone: 217 333 8580
Comments: Nice website... and tips.
Mr Lawrence - 01/04/00 18:35:14 My Email:hobas_int@yahoo.com Play
at: Hammersmith, London
Comments: Great page and interesting information
Nitin N - 12/31/99 10:51:17 My Email:n_nitin@hotmail.com Play
at: IMSC
Comments: One of the best pages on squash i have
come across.The tips provided are very useful,and the page is very
informative!Good work,keep it up! |