Auburn Parks, Second and Third Grade
- The field of play is rectangular, its length being 40 yards long and its width 30 yards wide.
- A halfway line shall be marked and the center circle shall have a five-yard radius.
- The goal area shall extend into the field of play six yards from the goal posts and be joined by a 18-foot line parallel with the goal line.
- The goal posts shall measure six feet in height and 12 feet in width.
- There shall not be a penalty box or penalty mark.
- All players are expected to wear sponsor's t-shirt while participating.
- Tennis shoes or shoes with molded cleats are required. Street shoes and shoes with screw-in type cleats will not be allowed.
- Cones and balls will be provided by the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department.
- A size three ball will be used.
- A regulation game will consist of four 12-minute quarters. one minute will be allowed between quarters and five minutes at halftime. The clock will run non-stop unless deemed necessary by the official.
- All games will be played unless cancelled by the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department or by the official at the field because of safty concerns.
- Scores and standings will not be kept. Tie games will end as ties.
- A maximum of 10 players will be assigned to each team.
- Coaches returning from the previous season may retain players who played for them last season.
- Player assignments will be made in accordance to the school they attend or the school they would normally attend. Players may not transfer from one school to another to play ball.
- All team assignments eill be made by the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department. If there are too many players at one school or if there are not enough players to form a team, then schools will be combined. The last to register will be the first to be transfered.
- All players will play for the team on which they are assigned.
Official FIFA Rules will govern all play. Exceptions and clarifications are emphasized below.
- The maximum number of players on the field shall be five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper.
- The goalkeeper must wear the vest provided by the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department.
- There will be no offsides.
- No penalty kicks will be taken during the game. Rather, indirect free kicks shall be awarded for all fouls.
- One re-throw will be allowed if foul throw occurs. Referee shall explain proper method of throw-in.
- Substitution shall occur at the quarter, half, or when the team substituting has posession of the ball on a throw-in, corner kick, injury or free kick. All players must play a minimum of half the game.
- Goalee may not be charged in the goal area. Players are not allowed to kick the ball out of the goalee's hand or make contact withe the goalee in the goal area.
- All players must be six yards from the ball on an indirect free kick, corner kick, and the kick-off. The ball must travel the distance of its own circumfrance before it is brought into play.
- The entire ball must cross the touch line, either on the ground or in the air, for it to be out of play.
- A corner kick shall be taken when the ball crosses the goal line, excluding the area between the goal posts, and is last touched by the defending team.
- Parents must remain 5 yards away from the playing field and on their team's side of the field.
- Slide tackling is not allowed.