Buck Island beach

        Welcome to my home. The Virgin Islands consists of three islands, St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John. The island I reside on is St.Croix. This is the largest of the United States Virgin Islands, 82 square miles in area. There are two distinct towns to visit: Christiansted and Frederiksted. The architectural quality and historic interest of the one time Danish West Indies capital has made part of Christiansted (founded in 1734) a National Historic Site.

        In Christiansted, you can shop the day away through quaint shops filled with French perfumes, china, crystal, batik clothing and jewelry. You can visit Buck Island, too. Moving west along the North Shore, visit the west side of Salt River where Columbus' crew landed on November 14, 1493. Frederiksted has its share of shops and shopping. It also has a tropical Rain Forest and Whim Greathouse, a plantation restored to the way it was in the 1700's The island has fine hotels, excellent dining, sights to see, a selection of other things to do and all kinds of beaches.

Let me be the fist to introduce someone who is very special in my life. She's my friend, companion, and heart & soul. Fellows, if you ever find a good one, DON'T LET HER GO! Trust me. Click on her elegant face below to learn more about her.

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