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Here are a few books on sailing that I have enjoyed and can recommend to anyone that is interested in sailing as a sport or a way of Life.

All of the books are availible at Amazon.com. Just click on the book cover to go ther and find out more.

Learning to Sail

Want to learn how to sail or sail better? These two books are a good place to start.

Written by Gary Jobson, this is the official learn to sail book of the American Sailing Association and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Gary jobson has sailed in the America's Cup and is a commentator for ESPN and has covered the America's Cup as well as other sailing events. A very valuable book packed with information.
Written by the husband and wife team od J.J. and Peter Isler this is the Dummies series of book contribution to sailing. Both the authors have extensive sailing experience on a world class level. Both have sailed in America's Cup class yachts and Peter has been a commentator for ESPN for sailing events. This book is informative,and is both easy to read and understand.


Looking for some adventure. These books have it.

Written By Rob Mundle this book tells the stories of the sailors in the tragic 1998 Sydney to Hobart Race in Australia. This book is not one that can be easily put down and will keep you on the edge of your cockpit cushon until the end. Reading the accounts of the sailors themselves it seems amazing that there wasn't more lives lost. Includes an afterword about the race commitees findings after the race. If 60' waves catch your attention this is a must read.
The true story of Pete Goss' rescue of Rafael Dinelli in the 1996/97 Vendee Globe race. He turned around his 50' Aqua Quorum into hurricane force winds to rescue fellow racer Rafael Dinelli. He may have lost the race but he won France's highest award the Legion d'Honneur and a friend for life. He is currently putting togather a campain for "The Race" set to start on New Years Eve 2000. A great story of heroism and bravery.
A father and son tackle one of sailings greatest challenges. They sail around Cape Horn in a 25' boat. A great book not only for the sailing but also to see how the adventure changes and shapes their lives. Each take turns in the writting, which gives the reader a unique opportunity to see the story from both sides.
This is Robin Lee Graham's account of his adventures of his sail around the world. In 1965 Robin Lee Graham left home at the age of 16 on a 24 foot boat to sail around the world alone.This famous story was the subject of three National Gegraphic articles and a movie by the same name. Excellent book.



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