Wilfrido Gutiérrez - 10/24/00 23:03:12 My URL:http://www.ciudadfutura.com/artesmarciales/BushidoMain.htm My Email:wilfrido@todito.com | Comments: Very nice work! Martial artist must be take more relationships in between whit the Nihon Kempo stile , hope more people knew this discipline of life and defense. greetings from México City. "Dao Inochi" !!! |
Román Torres López - 10/08/00 03:29:15 My Email:romano_mx@yahoo.com | Comments: It's an excellent web site, a great oportunity to learn a little about Nippon Kempo. I'm a Mexican Nippon Kempo student and I would like to be in contact with other Nippon Kempo students in the world. |
BO HARDY - 09/27/00 06:43:51 My Email:hardys@3rddoor | Comments: awesome!!! |
- 08/17/00 21:46:26 | Comments: |
Juan Medina - 06/28/00 22:25:20 My Email:reachingastar@hotmail.com | Comments: I am currently training with sensei Ceasar Sanchez in Alhambra Granada Park. I would like to be notified of any upcoming tournaments. Thanks. |
Gary White - 06/09/00 13:13:16 My URL:http://www.liverpoolnipponkempoclub.org.uk My Email:Gary.White@messa.scheshire-ha.nwest.nhs.uk | Comments: Very Interesting website, it's good to see varying philosophies within the international Kempo arena. Regards Gary |
Isao Ogawa - 03/29/00 15:17:30 My URL:http://user1.allnet.ne.jp/~i-ogawa/ My Email:i_ogawa@d1.dion.ne.jp | Comments: It's an exciting website. |
Sandy - 03/28/00 06:43:18 My URL:http://Welcome.to/Kenpo My Email:geckokenpo@hotmail.com | Comments: Good start to a great site! Continued success, S |
- 03/26/00 17:46:29 My Email:Ankempo@yahoo.com | Comments: Explore the links, see more Nippon Kempo websites from Europe and Japan. Explore different Styles and Arts of Karate and Kempo in the USA links. Enjoy! |
Cambria - 03/17/00 05:17:33 My Email:cambria_e@hotmail.com | Comments: I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! FUN TO PARTICIPATE!!! |
NipponKempo - 03/06/00 16:46:27 My Email:NipponKempo@yahoo.com | Comments: Please email us with your comments and questions. Thank you... |