The practice of American Nippon Kempo at the DRAGONS LAIR DOJO is aimed at the development of Martial Arts skills, a strong character, a strong self confidence, self respect, respect for society, respect for nature and to cultivate gentle harmony, spirit, preservation and wisdom into one's own way of life. One must train and learn the essential mental and physical characteristics and values that are relevant to Martial Arts, in order to unify the mind, body and spirit. Merely being right in this world is not enough in today's times, too many conflicts involving physical violence are present all around us. As MARTIAL ARTISTS, we practice resolving a conflict without violence, unless it is ultimately necessary. We learn to analyze conflicts and try to settle disputes in a nonviolent manner. If however, one's preservation of life is threatened then Kenpo "Law of the Fist" teaches us that with righteousness, enforced by strength and forgiveness backed by power, one will do what is necessary, without hesitation, to stop a conflict, physical violence or aggressor while protecting one's life. American Nippon Kempo asserts that the individual is both directly and indirectly responsible for his/her own welfare. Strength is taught as a measure to use only as a finality and for sole preservation and defense of oneself when being threatened or to prevent a violent attack. Always trying to promote peace and understanding between and among rivals whenever probable and possible. During our competition, we are many times referred and compared to Gladiators, whose armor clashes and bodies absorb impacts of devastating techniques. Safety, respect and harmony are practiced and adhered to at all times, no exceptions. While in competition the Martial Arts Path of BUDO is followed, for competitors are really seeking personal and spiritual cultivation rather than just pure combative purposes and extra training. Competition allows us to test our mind, body and spirit against many opponents all seeking enlightenment on all levels, recognizing strengths and weakness, always pushing onward to harmony.