Hello all! I've updated, added graphics, and added this page. In here are all the events that are happening in relation to the pony club and equestrian center. Here are some events and things to know.
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you're all planning to attend CCPC spring camp. Anna has many fun things planned. New photo is up in the photo gallery and the april newsletter is up in the bulletin board. Congratulations to the Games team on their stupendous performance at the Games Rally. Have fun in Colorado.
I finnally updated, changed the graphics and added a section on rallies and inside that section added pages on the qualifying rally and Championships. Go see it Also changed the photos in the photo gallery. Come back soon!
IT'S BEEN ALMOST 2 YEARS SINCE I UPDATED THIS PAGE. WOW! I changed the graphics around a bit and started working on the Whopper Rally 2000 page just in time for Mega Rally 2001. Wish us luck at the rally!
Hi! I just added pages for Spring Camp 2001 and Mega Rally 2001. Go see them! It's also time to start planning for Ventura!
Hello again, I just changed the bulletin board to a message board for members to post any announcements.
© 1999 ccpc_rules@yahoo.com