Welcome to Icejohn's Homepage

Welcome to my world!
WhitePhalo.jpg (45193 bytes)  WhitePhalo.jpg (45193 bytes)
    I am 5'7", 165lb, 35 years old (gee, no more young days almost. :0)). I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which is 1.5 hour north of Chicago. I train very hard to keep my body fat below 8%.  My stats is
32" waist
42" chest
16" arms
27" thighes
I lift weights 3 times a week and run 3 miles twice a week to keep my stamina good. I learned judo in high school and martial art from my uncle who is still a cop since I was a kid. During my 2-year service in military, I got more training about martial arts as well. However, I am only looking for a decent work out and getting acquainted with new wrestling friends. I am not interested in hurting people or getting hurt. A broken noise or broken ribs are not something I want.

           It takes me a lot of efforts to keep in shape. Here is my usual lifting weight ( 2 reps ):

        Squat                     350 lb
        Bench Press           255 lb
        Deadlift                  200 lb

          Back in 2000, I competed my last powerlifting competition and finished in 4th place because I injured my left shoulder after squatting 400 lb and deadlifting 235 lb. After that, I could only benched press 230 lb in that competition, which was a big disappointed to me. However, it was still a special experience to me. I guess the most important thing for me is to heal my shoulder. Nothing is more important than being healthy, right? So, no more competing days. I still can lift decent heavy weights but do not push to the limits anymore.

Again, if you like to, please drop me an e-mail!


  © Copyright John Wu  2007
  Last revised: March 12, 2007.