COOL! Absolute Truth Hardcore Bodybuilding Top Site for Steroid Information
NEW !! COOL! Top Site for Pharmaceutilcal Suppliers, Anabolics Products, Drugs profiles.
NEW !! COOL! Anabolic Steroid Truth - Everything you ever wanted to know about anabolic steroids absolutely free.
COOL! Barry's Power Page - some good info on periodization training.
COOL! Big Sport - Fair site with info on supplements, steroids, and nutrition.
NEW !! COOL! Bodybuilder - Good site.  CHAT, Bodybuilders Profiles, Photographs ... 
COOL! Bodycomp 96 - a shareware program designed to compute body fat percentage, lean body mass, and adipose weight from skinfold measurements. 
COOL! Coffee and Caffeine FAQ - Need I say more?
COOL! CyberIron - Decent site.  Needs to update more frequently though.
COOL! Cyberpump - mostly about HIT, which I think is bullshit, but for those that are interested there is an excellent Q+A section.
COOL! - has a kickass section on powerlifting.  I especially like the Louie Simmons Powerlifting FAQ.
COOL! Elite Fitness - Very good information of steroids, cycles, nutrition, ...
NEW !! COOL! Femalemuscle - A female bodybuilding, fitness and women's athletic website By Lori Victoria Braun. -PRETTY WOMEN-
COOL! Fast Food nutritional information - nutritional information on more than 1,000 fast-food items.
COOL! Fred Hatfield's Webpage - Dr. Squat's homepage.  Lots of powerlifting info.
COOL! Garage Gym - has some decent articles worth reading.
COOL! - Tony Cardella's new website and the new home of the Bigboys Website. Bigboys is now archived at and has some new active columns.  Good info on powerlifting, olympic weightlifting, and strength training.
COOL! Griffin's Weightlifting Page - this site has a ton of info on weightlifting, dieting, etc.  A lot of it is from and other bodybuilding and dieting newsgroups.  Highly recommended.
COOL! Iron Dungeon - Calvin Hass' Iron Dungeon.  Good site with excellent information. 
COOL! Jay's Bodybuilding: The Right Way! - Good all around bodybuilding webpage. 
COOL! Krista Scott's Weightlifting "Funk Palace" - female bodybuilding.
COOL! Low Carb Diet Food Tips - Lots of information for those on the Low Carb diet.
COOL! Low Carb and Ketogenic Diet Resources  - More low carb diet information.
COOL! Lowcarb Mailing List Webpage - The LowCarb webpage.
COOL! Lyle McDonald's Bodyopus Pages - Lyle McDonald did a week by week (even blow by blow) report of a twenty week BodyOpus experience as well as other BodyOpus dieting information. 
COOL! Medline:  Medscape - Another of the free Medline sites with excellent information. 
COOL! Medline:  Pubmed - Another of the free Medline sites with excellent information. 
COOL! Mesomorphosis  - Information for the intelligent bodybuilder.  Great interviews with Pat Arnold, Dan Duchaine, Chris Clark, etc.
COOL! MUSCULAR ENHANCEMENT NEWSLETTER, 2nd Quarter 1998, Issue 9 Editor/Trainer/Consultant: Gary "Hulkster Jr." Becker
COOL! MUSCULAR ENHANCEMENT NEWSLETTER, 3d Quarter 1998, Issue 10 Editor/Trainer/Consultant: Gary "Hulkster Jr." Becker
COOL! Myodynamics - Charles Staley's Fundamentals of Strength Training for Sport.  Has several good articles.
COOL! - Home of powerlifting on the internet. 
COOL! Quest For Anabolic Comprehension - This is the site to get products such as back issue to the Dirty Dieting Newsletter, Physical Enhancement with an Edge Update (brandnew), and other items of interest by Dan Duchaine, Pat Arnold, etc. 
COOL! Ric Drasin - personal trainer to the stars and former WWF Pro-Wrestler ("The Equalizer"), has been involved in bodybuilding and personal training for more than 30 years. In the 70's, Ric trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger and many other bodybuilding legends.
NEW !! COOL! Steroid Encyclopaedia - Very Good site.  STOREHOUSE OF STEROID INFORMATION. 
NEW !! COOL! The Steroid Law - Very Good site.  YOU NEED KNOW THIS INFORMATION. 
NEW !! COOL! The Anabolic Zone - Very Good site.  Very good information of steroids, cycles, suppliers, nutrition, ...
COOL! The Iron Temple - Good site.  Worthy of your viewing. 
COOL! The Power Factory - High quality information on nutrition, supplements and much more by Sandeep De. He also has his own Q&A column. 
COOL! The USDA Nutrient database - Just what it sounds like.  Find out everything you could ever want to about different foods. 
COOL! Thorax's Iron Page  - by Joachim Bartoll.  He just redid the page and it looks really good.  The place to be for bodybuilders, fitness practicians, strength athletes and health enthusiasts!
COOL! WeightsNet- a resource for people who workout with weights for bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting, sports, and more.


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