Name: Ryudo 'Tatsu' Kenjinata
Height/Weight: 6'2"/245lbs
Age/Years pro: 25/6
Description: Japanese, well toned and good looking. To the ring wears a black Aikido gi, but wrestles barefoot in black loose fitting martial arts trousers, similar to his partner's, but with an oriental dragon design down the left leg. Ryudo is very much the spokesperson for the Revolution, and he sees himself as something of an ambassador as well. He is somewhat reserved, and it takes a lot to get him angry, responding to insults with a smile and shake of the head.
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Alignment: Face
Wrestling Style: Ryudo has trained in practically every oriental martial art known. Karate, Kung-Fu, Kickboxing, Judo, Aikido... and finally Japanese pro-wrestling. Ryudo is an accomplished athlete, and very much an aerialist. He is an intelligent grappler, and quick to pick up on mistakes by his opponent. He mostly specialises in high-impact and pinning manuevers, leaving the power moves to his partner. He is almost cat-like in the ring, surprising opponents with remarkable feats of agility and incredible high risk manuevers.
Favourite moves: superkick, spinning leg lariat, flying elbowsmash, swinging neckbreaker, Dragon Suplex.
Specialist Moves:
Name: Hiroshi 'Daioni' Kaisai
Height/Weight: 6'7"/325lbs
Age/Years pro: 27/6
Description: Japanese, well built, although not overly muscular. Wears to the ring his ceremoinial Kendo suit including headguard and sword. Wrestling attire consists of loose fitting martial arts trousers, and he usually has his left wrist taped (for no apparent reason) Hiroshi is the more hot headed member of the team, and prone to bouts of anger. Although he can't speak any English (Ryudo has repeatedly asked him to try, but Hiroshi waves his suggestions away laughing), he has no problem getting his point across. Moreover, his inability to speak English has served the team well in the past, confusing opponents by talking in Japanese during the match.
Hometown: Osaka, Japan.
Alignment: Face
Wrestling Style: Hiroshi has trained in the martial arts, although not to such a great extent as his partner. He specialised in karate, kendo (which is not that useful in the ring) and some judo and sumo (when he was younger.) his martial arts skills have held him in good stead in the past, but he prefers to rely on his grappling skill. He loves the fans, and follows the rules to the letter (although often cannot understand what the referee is telling him). His favourite moves are mostly power moves, and he loves to throw his opponents around.
Favourite Moves: superkick, enzuigiri, avalanche clothesline, powerslam (catches his opponent on the rebound from the ropes, and literally hurls himslef and them across 3/4 of the ring), tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
Specialist Moves:
Rising Sun Revolution's Entrance Music: 'Theme from Bladerunner' by Vangelis
Tag Team Finisher:
R.S.R.'s greatest IIWF matches:
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