Name of Sender: Suresh Rajan
Story: As most boarders would remember the food at BCBS was disgusting.
The only day that we got good food was the day that the Pantry Master died. The teachers
all got together and cooked up a great meal. Ironically the name of the pantry master was
Mr Rice. At the same time the Sick room matron was Mrs Nurse and the dorm matron in junior
dorm was Mrs Wilde. Top That!!!
Name of Sender: Ranjeet J. Kurian
Story: When I was in 6th standard my dorm master was Mr Brown. He was a
harsh disciplinarian and every morning we would have to stand in line for a uniform
inspection. If we didn't pass we were whacked with a bamboo cane. The thing I remember
most about Mr Brown, other than pain, was his damn dog Tuqlak. The creature was as bad as
his master and was never in a good mood. I cannot count the number of times that bugger
tried to bite me. Many many people can relate to stories about this damn dog !!
Name of Sender: Sabari Giri
Student: Marbles @ Tops
Story: Who gives a s@#$ about Baseball being a favorite pastime. I
remember the days in boarding when Marbles and Tops used to be the s@#$!! Those dudes in
Jingle Bells across the street must be millionaires by now, with all the money they made
selling those TOPs.!!
Name of Sender: Rajiv Rajendran
Student: Marbles & Tops II
Story: Speaking of Marbles and tops, the garden block, as it was those
days, was the venue for most of these "sports". I remember there were a couple
of unofficial champs in mabs and tops. And that I was NOT one of those. In fact, my mabs
skills were so pathetic, I decided to stop playing and start stealing ! Usually I ended up
with a good collection, until the elder brother of some junior school kid whom I had
stolen from, decided that it was not a respectable profession and dislocated my left
shoulder !
Name of Sender: Suresh Rajan
Student: How to get out of study time
Story: I remember well that the way we got out of study time each night
was to take a set of dividers (remember the compass set) and put the two sharp ends in a
plug point and turn it on. This would cause a short circuit and blow the fuse. The
teachers never worked out why the plug points in the study class were all burnt.
Name of Sender: Suresh Rajan
Student: Getting out of class
Story: The class teacher in 10c was mr Zachariah (1974). We had a biology
dissection class. After dissecting the frog we managed to get the carcass into a bag and
bring it back to class. This was duly deposited in the teachers desk just before we
finished class for the day. Unfortunately this was Thursday before Good Friday holiday. Of
course Monday was the Easter Monday holiday. By the time we got back to class on Tuesday
the place was full of maggots and the stench so bad that we couldnt have any classes in
Name of Sender: Akhil Malaki
Student:The Principal passed away !
Story: It was in 1975 when the principal, A.T.Balraj (or 'Tarball', as he
was so affectionately nicknamed by students). He usually used to go around the tower block
on his way back to office from home after lunch. We usually had 2nd. language period then
and, needless to say, quite a lot of noise in the class (8C). On one such day Tarball just
passed by and the Hindi master who saw him through the window said: "shhhhhh, the
Principal just passed away!!". Tarball, of course, walks into the classroom to find
out what all the noise is about. Just then one of the back benchers softly murmured
"Hallelueah, he is risen !!"
Name of Sender: Abhay Toshnival
Story: Man, the way Hitler taught us history in 8th std ('86), we all
could re-write history.. He was a class act.. Him and his "Eeenniiff" ( thats
supposed to be 'enough' by the way).. And dear ol' Granny, Mrs. Srinivas. She was
wonderful.. If only we could figure out what she said half the time.. Really, we needed to
sit with a dictionary in class to figure out what she was saying when she pulled you up
for something..