An Australian Working Dog...

The Border Collie in Australia is included in the sub-group known as 'Australian Working Dogs' - an unusual classing indeed for a dog universally recognised as of British origin. Such was, and indeed is, the impact of this graceful and intelligent breed that it has been granted a form of breed nationalisation.

 Regardless of its  origins, the breed's outstanding stamina and intelligence soon caught the eye of watchful  farmers who required these very attributes in order to work the huge sheep runs of rural Australia. The breed, as distinct from other working dogs, was first recognised in the 1870's and the first recorded import into Australia was in 1901.

Over the years the breed has increased in popularity, still working out in the paddocks, being trialled or shown or simply as another family member. Borders are among the top ten most popular dogs in Australia and movies such as 'Babe' have served to increase their popularity. If you are considering purchasing a Border Collie as your companion there are some important factors to consider...

If you feel you can't quite meet the expectations of a Border Collie, don't despair. There are many breeds of dog out there and with careful consideration you should find the one to suit you - or maybe consider rescuing a 'pound puppy'. If you do think that a Border is for you then - congratulations - enjoy your new best friend.

This picture shows Bordercheck Cinamon Cake C.D. (Tess)
and her son Caylith Shadow Child (Toby) doing what comes naturally  to a border collie.


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