Our core group all met via the internet. I met Quenton back in Oct of 95 in Runchat and we ended up running the 100th Boston Marathon together. I also met Wayne in RunChat and we started to run together. Quenton and Wayne met Sheryl in the Runner's World forum and we made arrangements to meet on Sundays at Miramar Lake to start to train together for the Big Sur Marathon. With Tanya and Lisa now joing us our little group was growing. Later Ken Myers who had met Quenton though the Dead Runners Society joined our group,then Mark Bennett (Sheryl's husband) and Denise Janssen join our little group.
Sheryl is the one who gave us our name for the group when we started to talk about doing the Catalina Marathon in 98. We ran the 1997 Big Sur Marathon and had a wonderful time. We are always looking for new victims to join our Chapter of SOS who are willing to laugh at themselves and be laughed at and enjoy a good breakfast after a long run. Of course you have to have had or in training to run a marathon to join us.
We have started a tradition in the group that anyone who places in a race in their division gets to wear these really neat looking crowns.
Sheryl and Wayne were the first recipients of this honor.Wayne is the top gun in the group. He wins races outright where the rest of us are happy to just place in our own age divisions. He has clocked a sub 2 hour 40 minute marathon at the 104th running of the Boston Marahton.
Quenton, jp and Wayne at the San Dieguito Half Marathon in Feb 1997
Here's Quenton and jp cooling off in the Pacific after a 20 miler
Quenton, Sheryl and jp after a Sunday run and a good breakfast.
Here's Lisa and Tanya at the Carlsbad 5000 in April of 1997.
This is Katie, Sheryl's little girl with jp at the Carlsbad 5000
(we're talking major shrinkage here folks)
(better known as Thelma and Louise)
Heres our SOS group in Big Sur National Park getting ready to run the Big Sur Marathon. Left to right: Quenton, Wayne, Cameron (honorary member) and Sheryl. jp is taking the picture.
This next picture is of Wayne, Sheryl and Quenton at Hurricane Point the highest point on the course.
Sheryl, Pete and Wayne still having fun in the marathon
Here they are at the half way point at Bixby Bridge
This is Quenton and jp at Bixby Bridge
Sheryl and jp (with world famous frog hat) coming into the finish
Here we are with Pete and Sheila after the marathon
Here comes Tanya and Denise at around the 22 mile mark in the marathon
Here's Denise and Tanya after their running of the Santa Clarita Marathon. This was Denise's first marathon.
Here Sheryl and jp show off their awards from the 10 miler at Santa Clarita
Here is the rest of our group at the Santa Clarita Marathon.
This is Katie, me, Tanya, Collen, Denise, and Sheryl. In front are Spencer and Denise's husband John.
This has to be one of the toughest and most scenic marathons in the world. At one point in the run there was a 7 mile climb. How many marathons are there that you run by grazing buffalo only 10 feet away from you? Of course who would want to run by a grazing buffalo only 10 feet away from you??
Here I am with Sheryl and Quenton at the start of the Catalina Marathon that they talked me into running. I didn't want to run this marathon I begged them not to run this marathon.....where could they be?
They took my advice and
Denise and jp were the only SOS'ers crazy enough to actually show up to run the Catalina Marathon
Here I am getting some consoling after finishing the toughest marathon I have ever run
Denise and jp at the finish line enjoying life
This Mark and Sheryl and Tanya and I in Catalina after the race
Here is my buddy Ken Myers, oh excuse me "COLONEL KEN MYERS, UNITED STATES MARINE CORP"(happy ken?)at the starting line of the 2000 Big Sur Marathon.
Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to get him to wear this frog hat??
This is one of those trips where our group of 6 ended up being only 2 of us showing up to run the marathon.
What are the chances of running into someone you know in a race with 3000 runners let alone a family member?? Here I am just waiting for the race to start and I hear my name called. I turn around and who do I see but my niece Amy!!!!
Here is Ken and me at Hurricane Point. And yes still wearing my world famous frog hat.
Rock'N Roll Marathon 1998
Some of the SOS women when out of their way to make sure they got their pictures taken
This Denise, Sheryl and lisa
Here is the entire group at the start of the marathon
Here we are enjoying food and drink after the race at Pete's place with our wonderful supportive spouses
jp and Sheryl at the Mission Bay 25K showing off their medals
I now return you to your regular scheduled programming..........
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