HTML colors I have discovered using
the Blue Navy Grape Aqua Green Teal Peach Cream Lime Yellow Tan Orange Gold Brown Bronze Maroon Sienna Pink Violet Magenta Red Purple ...No one ever said they were all "true" though :•)... OR You can view this RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart for many more options if you want to use the <font color="#code#"> </font> format. |
'A HREF' | is how HTML recognizes that you want to link to another
place |
'http://...' | is the actual address where the page you are trying to
link to can be found |
'Page Name' | is the text that will be displayed to take someone to
your link |
'</A>' | closes the link
'IMG SRC' | is how HTML recognizes that you want to put an image on
your page |
'"llinks.gif"' | is the name of the image that you want displayed. Make
sure the image is on your server. |
(optional)'HEIGHT=' | can be used if you want to alter the height of the
image |
(optional)'WIDTH=' | can be used if you want to alter the length or width of
the image |
(optional)'BORDER=' | is used to determine the width of the border around the
image link. Starting from 0 (for no border) on up, the higher the #, the
thicker the border |
© 1996 silly_1_2_3_4@yahoo.com |