A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....

It is a dark time for fencing,
the evil F.I.E. have tightened their choke hold
on the fencing world and now have allied themselves
with the equally evil equipment manufactures
to increase their power even more.

The latest weapon in their arsenal of
terror is "The Lexan Mask" a perspex monstrosity
powerfull enough to empty
enitire bank accounts of their contents.

I mean look at this stupid thing....
Is this guy about to start fencing or is he (as I think he is) about to invade a Rebel base. I mean like spot the difference...

Ok, so this is a slight exaggeration....actually it's not, I can actually see fencers becomeing like this in a couple of years.

Encased in body armour, barely able to move....
Of course this picture is slightly inaccurate in the fact that there are too many fencers in it....
By the time that this happens only one or two fencers will be able to afford to fence.

Also, If fencers become like this them the coaches will have to keep up and so will look like this.

And another thing what do we do when it steams up?

Well that is obvious, we just...

Use the force!

Of course whose to say that we fencers will turn out looking like an early eightys science fiction film, I mean there are other parallels to examine, for example compare these two pictures.

Interesting isn't it....Think about it, you know the new rules about coloured uniforms? Well these masks combined with these uniforms could make your average fencing competition look something like this

In this web page I have only talked on the bad thing about his mask, there are some advantages to having a mask like this, for example if you
just happen to ride a motercycle to competitions and training you do not have to bring one of those heavy helmets with you, you can just wear your mask.

Also If there are any highly comunicable diseases floating around, just put on your mask and hey presto, an instant bio hazard mask.

(Muffled sniggering)

I just downloaded a few of pictures from the Leon Paul web-site (http://www.leonpaul.com) and they're a bit of a giggle.

This is the first one. Only included because they obviously had the same idea as I had. Well either that or they plagiarized my idea...

The second one is this picture entitled "fencingthefuture.gif"
I don't think I need to say anything more about this one.

The last one is the one below. This is Leon Paul's promotional photo for the "The Vision 2000" (From the same people who brought you the "Flick Master 2000 foil"). The reason I originally downloaded it was because it looks like the guy's nose is jammed against the visor of the mask.

But while I was downloading it I realised what they had named the jpeg. "vision2000wank2.jpg".

I'm Serious!

Go to their web-site and see for yourself before they realise what their treacherous web-master has done,and change it to something more sutable.


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