From: Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 12:59:28 -0400 Subject: Save Me - Bass Tablature Save Me - Bass Tablature From: Splendor Solis by The Tea Party transcribed by: Jay Gibbes There is very little that Stuart plays the same over and over in this song; he makes small modifications to most of the bass lines as he plays. I have not included any of the changes here; I'm only giving you the basics. If you want to play them listen for the different notes he plays. It is hard to believe how long he plays Fig.1. The song changes many times and the bass stays the same. It doesn't change until the end of the chorus when the bass plays descending notes with the guitar. I have written the pieces of music in the order that they occur in the song. So, if you know where fig.5 comes, then you know that fig.4 comes before that. Fig.1 (verse and most of chorus) A----|----------------------------------------------------------------| D----|----------------------------------------------------------------| A----|--------------------------5___9---------------------------------| D-12-|-0--12-0-0-12-12-0-0-12-0--------0--12-0-0-12-12-0-0-12___5___9-| \sl. sl. sl. Fig.2 (plays with guitar) Fig.3 (very basic) --------------------------------------------|------------------| --------------------------------------------|------------9-----| ---------------9h10p9-----------------------|-9--10--12----12--| --0--0--12-12-------------10-9-7-4--5-4-5-7-|------------------| Fig.4 -------------------|repeat|--------------| -------------------|------|-3-3-3-3__5-5-| ---------0h5-0h5---|-2x---|--------------| -0--0--0--------\--|------|--------------| sl. Fig.5 (5_7_9_7_10_9)|repeat-|-----------------|repeat|--------------|repeat| --------------|-------|-----------------|------|--------------|------| -5-5-5-5-5--5-|-2.5x--|-----------------|-2x---|--------------|-2x---| --------------|-------|-10-9-7-4--5-4-5-|------|-5--4-5-4-5-7-|------| In fig.5, the part in brackets is what the guitar is playing. I included it so you could recognize where fig.5 is played. There are some soft violin sounds behind fig.4 (I think it's actually Jeff using a violin bow on a guitar though.) Behind fig.4, Stuart also does some light bass improvisations which are similar to what the guitar is doing at the start of fig.5. In fig.1, you could substitute the 12th fret of the low D string with the 5th fret on the low A string, but I believe Stuart actually plays as I have written above because of the slide from 12 down to 5 near the end of the figure. Happy Tea Partying. Jay.