Southern California Chess Federation

Upcoming Events

Tournaments throughout Southern California

Requests for inclusion on this page should be sent to

May 2-3
11th Annual Los Angeles County Championship
5-SS, 30/85, SD/30 (1st 3 rounds), 40/2, SD/1 (last 2 rounds). Sierra Vista Rec Center, 311 N Rural Drive, Monterey Park, CA 91755.
$1000 guaranteed: $300-150, U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400 each $100, U1200 $50.
EF: $39 if rec’d by 4/30, $45 at door. Special option for HS/below: $15, 10 trophies only.
SCCF membership req’d of So. Californians: $18, $10 jrs.
Reg: 9-9:40 am,
Rds: 10-2-6, 10-4.
Inf: Randy Hough (626) 282-7412,
Ent: SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey Park, CA 91754.
WCL JGP. GP: 6. State Championship Qualifier.
Advance entries

May 3
LACC May Scholastics I
5 SS, G/30, K-12 11514 Santa Monica Blvd - 2nd floor - 4 blocks 405 W - LA, CA 90025 Free Parking on the streets; or in the building basement ($3)
USCF Rated (may join at site - $32/yr).
4 Sections - High School (10-12), Junior High (7-9), Elementary (4-6); Primary (1-3).
Reg: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Rds: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p.m.
EF: $25 ($20 LACC memb; $2 off SCCF memb- Free for new LACC Junior members, $100/yr).
Prizes: Trophies & medals to top 2 in each section. Special Prizes for others! Free refreshments and class (1-2 p.m.) for all.
Info: Mick Bighamian: (310) 795-5710;;

May 16
All American Association Chess Club/School Scholastic Chess Championship
5-SS, G/30. First Lutheran Church, 1300 East Colorado Blvd. Glendale, CA 91205.
In 3 sections: K-3 U400, K-7 U800, K-12 Open. Trophies to top 10 individuals in each of the sections. Team awards for the top school teams.
USCF membership required.
Sets and boards provided. Please bring clocks..
EF: $25 if received by May 10th, $35 later or at the site 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. only. No telephone entries. After 9:30 a.m. ½ point first round bye given.
Rds: 10:00, 11:15 12:30, 1:45, 3:00.
Ent: AAA Chess Club  5317 virginia ave los angeles CA 90029. Signed registration form must accompany registration fee, with no exceptions.
Bring a pencil, a clock, and a desire to play chess!

May 17
LACC May Scholastics II
5 SS, G/30, K-12 11514 Santa Monica Blvd - 2nd floor - 4 blocks 405 W - LA, CA 90025 Free Parking on the streets; or in the building basement ($3)
USCF Rated (may join at site - $32/yr).
4 Sections - High School (10-12), Junior High (7-9), Elementary (4-6); Primary (1-3).
Reg: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Rds: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p.m.
EF: $25 ($20 LACC memb; $2 off SCCF memb- Free for new LACC Junior members, $100/yr).
Prizes: Trophies & medals to top 2 in each section. Special Prizes for others! Free refreshments and class (1-2 p.m.) for all.
Info: Mick Bighamian: (310) 795-5710;;

May 17
Amateur Open
4-SS, G/45. Chess Palace, 12872 Valley View St. Suite 5, CA 92845.
n two sections:
Amateur: $70-$35 (based on 10 players). U1500 1st-2nd Trophy.
Premier: 1st and 2nd for U1200, U900, and U500.
Reg: 11:45-12:15.
Rds: 12:30-2-3:30-5.
EF: $17 regular and $12 club members. SCCF memb. $2 less.
Free Parking.
Ent: Chess Palace, 12872 Valley View St. Suite 5, CA 92845. Phone (714)899-3421. Email ent:
Info: Phone: 1-888-34-CHESS.

May 23-25
2009 Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic
6-SS, 40/2, SD/1 (2-day schedule rds 1-3 G/60, then merges). LAX Hilton, 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
$$10,000 b/200, 50% of each prize guaranteed. In four sections:
Open: $$T+1800-750-400-300-200, U2400 400, U2200 700-300-200.
Premier (under 2000): $$750-300-200-100.
Amateur (Under 1800): $$750-300-200-100.
Reserve (Under 1600/unrated): $$750-300-200-100. U1400 400-200, U1200 150, Unr 150. (Unrated may win Unrated prize only.)
Best game prize $25, all sections eligible.
All: half-point byes available, limit 2, rds 5-6 must be requested with entry & cannot be revoked. SCCF membership req. ($18, jr. $10), OSA. No checks or credit cards at door
Reg: 3-day 9-10 a.m. 5-23, 2-day 8:30-9:30 a.m. 5-24.
Rds: 3-day: 10:30-5 Sat-Sun, 10-4:30 Mon. 2-day: 10-12:15-2:30 Sun., then merges.
EF: $83 if received by 5-22, $95 door, U1400/unrated $67 by 5-22, $80 door. On-line entry:
Ent: SCCF, c/o John Hillery, 835 N. Wilton Pl. #1, Los Angeles CA 90038.
HR: $109 (310) 410-4000, use group code LGM. Parking $10/day.
NS, W, F. GP: 40. State Championship Qualifier.

May 24
MDC Scholastics
5-SS, G/30. LAX Hilton, 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Open to gr. 12-below. In two sections:
Open: Trophies to top 5, top 3 U1200, top 2 Unrated.
Grade 6/below U1000: Trophies to top 5, top 3 U700, top 2 Unrated.
Reg.: 8:30-9:15.
Rds.: 9:30-11-12:15-1:45-3.
EF: $16 if received by 5-22, $20 door.
Inf: John Hillery, On-line ent:
Ent: SCCF, c/o John Hillery, 835 N. Wilton Pl. #1, Los Angeles CA 90038.

May 25
MDC Hexes
3-SS, G/90. LAX Hilton, 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Six-player sections by rating.
EF: $20 if received by 5-22, $25 door. $$ 40-20-10 each section.
Reg: 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Rds 10:45-2-5.
Ent: SCCF, c/o John Hillery, 835 N. Wilton Pl. #1, Los Angeles CA 90038, online at

May 25
Memorial Day Action Swiss
5-SS, G/30. LAX Hilton, 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
$$500 b/40, else proportional: $150-70-40, U2100/Unr $80, U1800 $80, Under 1500 $80.
EF: $20 if received by 5-22, $25 at door.
Reg: 9-10 a.m.
Rds: 10:15-11:30-12:45-2:30-3:45.
Ent: SCCF, c/o John Hillery, 835 N. Wilton Pl. #1, Los Angeles CA 90038, online at

May 30
San Luis Obispo County Open
4-SS, G60 5 sec delay. South Bay Community Center, 2180 Palisades Avenue, Los Osos CA 93402.
In 2 Sections: Open: EF $35; $45 at site. Reserve (U1400/Unrated): EF $25; $30 at site.
All: Cash only at site. $5 discount to SCCF, SLOCC, Scholastic (Age 12 and Under).
$$: 80% of entries.
Reg: 9:00-9:30 at site.
Rds: 10:00-12:15-2:45-5:00.
One ½ pt. bye any round if requested with entry.
Ent: Payable to San Luis Obispo Chess Club, c/o B. McCaleb, 234 Via La Paz, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.
Inf: Barbara McCaleb, 805-540-0747
Directions: Hwy 101 to Los Osos Valley Rd; 10 miles West to Palisades Ave.
Note: A separate Scholastic Tournament with 3 sections will be held at the same site for trophy prizes. For details, call or write Maria Kelly, maria or 805-423-5331.
State Championship Qualifier.

May 30
3-SS, 30/90 SD/30. Chess Palace, 12872 Valley View St. Suite 5, Garden Grove, CA, 92845.
Format: 8-player section by rating. Prizes: 1st: $70 cash - 2nd: $25 Gift Card for each section, 3rd: may be added based on large rating difference.
EF: $15 members, $22 non-members.
Reg. 11-11:25 a.m. Rds: 11:30-3:30-7:30.
Free parking.
Ent: Chess Palace, 12872 Valley View St. Suite 5, CA 92845. Email ent:
Phone (714)899-3421.
Info: Phone: 1-888-34-CHESS.

May 31
Diversity Spring Scholastic Chess Tournament
4-SS, G/45. The Woman’s Club of Arcadia, 324 South First Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006.
Rated, in 3 Sections: Open, Reserve (U1000), and Booster (U400/Unrated) Trophies to top 3 each section plus top U1200, top U1000, top U800, top U600, top Unrated most current rating used.
Non-Rated, 4-person quad sections by age, 3 double-SS. Trophies to the top 2 per section.
Reg: 9:00-9:30
Rds: 9:30-11:00-1:30-3:00.
One ½ pt. bye any round if requested with entry.
EF $25 by May 30; $35 at site. $5
Pizza lunch is available.
Ent: Payable to Roel Sanchez, 46 Diamond St. #A, Arcadia, CA 91006.
Inf: Roel Sanchez, 626-818-0671 email:
Web site:
Download Flyer

May 31
So Cal State Junior Qualifier
4-SS, G/40. Whittier High School Library, 12417 Philadelphia St, Whittier, CA 90601
Sections: In two rated sections and two non-rated sections. Main Event (USCF rated)-Open (under 21 years of age) & Amateur (under 1200 USCF) Side event (non-rated)-Varsity (6-12th) & Junior Varsity (K-5th).
Prizes: trophies to top three in each section. Best Team award. The champion of the Main Event Open wins a seat to the 2009 SCCF Candidates Tournament
Reg: 8:45-9:30.
Rds: 10, 11:30, 3, 4:30.
EF: $20 main event (by May 27), $5 side event (by May 27) - $10 after. SCCF memb. $2 less.
Free parking.
Ent: Chess Palace, 12872 Valley View St. Suite 5, CA 92845. Phone (714) 899-3421. Email ent: Online registration -
Info: Phone: 1-888-34-CHESS.

June 13
Super Double (2x) Quad 4-SS, "Semi-Swiss"
Game 60 minutes for the first three rounds and G/75 for the Championship round. Chess Palace, 12872 Valley View St. Suite 5, Garden Grove, CA, 92845.
First 3 rounds based on Quad format, then optional "Championship Round" for 4th game.
Prizes (based on performance): Score 4 points - $100. 3.5 points - $65. 3 points - $45. $2.5 points – free entry to regular event (6-pak, Ocho, Quad).
Reg starts at 11 a.m.
Round 1 at 11:30 a.m.
EF: $30 members, $35 regular.