Our trip to Italy

Napoli with Friends!!

My goal in this page is to share our recent "adventure" to Italy with all my friends on-line. The majority of this page will be text with hyper-links to facilitate loading. I have scanned a few pictures that we took and will combine them with professional web-sites of some of the places we visited.


Our adventure actually began in the spring of 1996 when our VERY GOOD friends Ann and Howard received a set of orders to Naples, Italy. Even though I am retired Navy, and eligible to travel on Military aircraft on a Space-Available basis, I had NO intention of leaving this country til our friends got these orders.*S* We renewed our passports and began planning this trip.

We decided to fly out of Norfolk, VA. We drove to Maryland and left our dog Nicki with our Grandson Trey. In the months before the trip, I met an on-line friend (Lambchop50) in person. She just happened to have a daughter who lived in Norfolk, on Active Duty in the Navy, and also on-line (Wldkngdm). This fine woman actually opened her home to perfect (almost) strangers and let us spend the night. She also somehow managed to convince her husband that this was a "good" idea.

It is important here to understand "Space-A" travel. It means that IF there is any space on the aircraft after they load Active Duty personnel, their dependants, emergency leave personnel, cargo (including tanks, bananas and frozen turkeys), spare parts, and miscellaneous other things; retired Military personnel are eligable to utilize any unused space. The price is right and FLEXIBILITY is the key. Most folks who know me will tell you that flexibility is NOT one of my strengths.*G*

Our journey begins with a flight from Norfolk, VA. We filled the LAST seats available on the flight to Naples. The flight route was Norfolk, VA; to Philadelphia, PA; to Rota, Spain; to Naples, Italy. The aircraft was a Boeing-757 that contained the MAX number of seats that can be placed on this type aircraft (remember, the Govt. pays for ALL seats, occupied or not). The flight was VERY crowded, but once again, I remember the cost.*G* Total flying time was 14 hours, including stops and refueling.

Ann and Howard live in Pozzuoli which is a small town north of Naples. They are in a beautiful home that sits high on a hill overlooking the Mediterranean. The city itself is steeped in history reaching back to Grecian times. It has a wonderful open air and fish market. It is also the site of an ancient Roman Market. This area was truly fun to explore. Here are a few pictures of the area.

Following a couple days of "recovery" and local Naples trips, we began our visits to outlying local history. Perhaps the most AWESOME adjustment to be made, is the Naples driving behavior. There is NOWHERE in the world where this behavior is exhibited. ALL civilized countries (including Italy) have OUTLAWED this behavior. SOMEHOW it continues in Naples. Our first trip was to visit the Abbey of MONTECASSINO which is located inland between Naples and Rome. It is amazing to realize that this Abbey was COMPLETELY leveled by the Allied Forces during WWII. The restoration is mind-boggling. This is a "Must See" for anyone visiting Italy. On our return we visited an archaeological dig at a site that we affectionately named "Cleo's Baths". The correct name of this area is Minturno. This site is closer to the coast between Naples and Rome and has documented evidence of the use of these baths by Cleopatra. The picture at the top of this page is of the Apian Way where it connected to these baths. Here are a few pictures the we took on the trip.

We spent many days exploring Naples (a bustling city of 6 million folks all in a HURRY) with Ann, while Howard worked to keep us in Vino (no small task). We would drive to the NATO base to leave the car for safe-keeping, then ride the Metro to various spots in Naples. We explored the Duomo and various other churches; visited the National Museum and the Royal Palace; explored the Museo Cappella Sansevero which houses the magnificent "Veil of Christ" in marble; shopped the Galeria Umberto; rode the Funicolari; drove under the Arco Felice; toured the Naples Underground, the Cumo Ruins, the Old Roman Road, and other points of interest. We did Cooking with Vera and attended the Festa di Porco. Ate lunch at Brandi's (home of the ORIGINAL Margherita Pizza) where the Clinton's dined while they were in Naples for the Economic Summit in 1994. ALSO explored the City of Pozzouli and its open markets. We even managed to get in a quick one day trip to Gaeta. Here are some of the photographs that we took while in Napoli.

Our next trip as a "touring unit" took us to Positano and Herculaneum. The city of Positano is situated along the Amalfi Coast. It is a major tourist area with quaint (expensive) shops and eating places. The area of Herculaneum is really an archaeological dig in the city of Ercalono. Herculaneum was an ancient city on the opposite side of Vesuvius from Pompeii. When Vesuvius errupted in 79 AD Pompeii was covered in embers, ash, and lava. Herculaneum was covered in mud. The artifacts from this dig are in much better shape that Pompeii as a result. here are some more photos that we took along the way.

Our 3 days in Rome with Ann and Howard were FANTASTICO. We drove from Naples to Rome, and managed to drive directly to the Bramante Hotel without getting lost. During this visit we managed to see the Vatican Museum, the Sistine Chapel, the Basilica of St. Peter's, the Piazza Navano, the Parthenon, the Trevi Fountain, the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, the Catacombs, the Terme di Caracalla ("Big Boy Baths"), Michaelangelo's "Moses" and MANY sites along the way. ALL of these attractions were within walking distance of our hotel. Join these sites with GREAT FRIENDS, excellent food, fine wines, and good weather; and you have the PERFECT trip!! Here are some of the photos we took on the "hike"!!

Our trip to Capri was a study in transportation! Bonnie, Ann, and I departed the house by CAR. We parked at the NATO Base and WALKED to the METRO Station. We rode the Metro to the Mergalina Station, then WALKED to the Port. We then caught a FERRY to the Isle of Capri. We rode the FUNICOLARI to the upper section of Capri. We then caught a BUS to Anacapri, where we rode a CHAIRLIFT to the top of Monte Salero. The trip from the house to the top of the mountain was accomplished in just over 3 hours. We had an OUTSTANDING meal at the Ristorante La Cisterna and visted the shops and sights of the island. Here are some of the pictures that we took along the way.

Sadly, and all TOO SOON, our time for departure arrived. We once again ventured into the world of Space-A travel. This time we had to go to Frankfurt Germany and spend the night. It was GREAT!! Here is a photo of the Air Force C5B-Galaxy that we flew on. There are 75 seats in the section above the cargo bay. The accomodations are noisey, but roomy and free.*S* it was a much more comfortable trip coming home than going over on a commercial flight. GO AIR FORCE!!


The background for my Italy Pages was custom made for me by my on-line buddy, BJ. Here is her Backgrounds Page. THANK YOU, BJ!!((HUG))

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The Abbey of Montecassino
The Sistine Chapel
The Holy See
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