Mickey Mouse - 03/27/00 12:04:58 My URL:http://mickeymouse My Email:mickey@mousehouse City / Town: Mickeytown | Comments: Very Cute ! |
- 02/13/00 06:28:22 | Comments: |
Another Grunta - 11/11/99 09:05:45 My URL:/grunta_76/grunta.html My Email:grunta_76@yahoo.com City / Town: Shepparton, Vic , Australia | Comments: Hey wow another Grunta. Pritty cool. Now I've got a home page but its not as good as your's plus mine isnt finished yet. Cool Later |
John McMurray - 09/08/99 05:10:16 My Email:mcmurray@technet2000.com.au | Comments: I tried to leave a message in the Rugby Guestbook - got an error! I graduated from Oakhill in 1970 and I would like to suggest that you may like to set up an alternative few pages dedicated to allowing the College Old boys to get back in touch with each other. What do you think? I fell that there are probably many who were not Rugby players but who may like to use such a site to 'Get in Touch' with each other. Perhaps an alternative search result would be advantageous? Say - Oakhill College Old Boys 'Society' or something like that. regards, John McMurray |
Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald.
Christine McCaffrey - 01/15/99 15:16:16 My Email:cmccaffr@leacock.LAN.mcgill.ca City / Town: Montreal | Comments: Howdy stranger! I thought I would try again to connect with you. I am settling into Montreal nicely, things are going pretty well. We have had a new addition to the family, a happy, energetic, bouncing 1 year old golden retreiver. He is a delight. The snow is falling lik mad in Montreal. I think we have had around 60-70 cm of snow in the last two weeks! Toboggan time this weekend! Write soon, I miss hearing your news. Chris'o |
Chris'o - 11/23/98 21:29:42 My Email:CMCCAFFR@LEACOCK.Lan.McGill.CA City / Town: Montreal | Comments: Hi Grant'o, I have found my email address and am sending it to you. Hope to hear from you soon! :-) Chris'o |
Chris'O - 11/19/98 19:09:23 City / Town: Montreal, Quebec | Comments: Hi Grunta! When was the last time our monitors interfaced? My life has taken a few turns lately...I am now living in Montreal and working at the child care centres at McGill University. I don't know my email address yet, but will send it as soon as I have it. We are all well, and hope you and Angela are too. Take care, mon ami! Christine |
trent gough - 09/01/98 04:29:54 | Comments: go the Valley |
MATT GAMES - 06/22/98 12:31:16 City / Town: CASTLE HILL | Comments: HELLO |
paulo - 04/30/98 06:54:56 City / Town: sydney | Comments: Hi Grunta l really like your homepage and the way you've set it out. l have enjoyed my little trip to your page. l will come back again. |
Chriss'o - 10/08/97 04:34:22 City / Town: Calgary | Comments: Hi Grunta, Well here I am cleverly disguised as visitor #93, and I have to say that the page is much improved since I was here as #33! But I was shocked to see that not one of the ball players was holding a VB! |
Stephanie Drury - 10/02/97 04:36:02 My Email:sdrury@ingr.com | Comments: Hello, Your home page is wonderful. Have a nice weekend. See ya Steph |