Pro Baseball Buckeyes: 1900-2006

The following is a listing of former Buckeyes who have played or been a manager in major league baseball. The leagues represented are the National League (NL) and the American League (AL).

The list is in alphabetical order by player, followed by the years and teams that player was on the active roster or injured reserve list. What is not included in this list are those years lost to military service or hold outs. Also, minor leagues such as the International League (IL) or American Association (AA) or foreign leagues are not included. Finally, players who had attended Ohio State but not play for the Buckeyes are also excluded.

The list is not claimed to be complete. Please e-mail all updates/corrections to Scott Galuska,

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2006.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2005.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2004.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2003.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2002.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2001.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 2000.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 1999.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 1998.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 1997.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in Major League Baseball in 1996.

(Click below to find players with last names beginning with these letters.)



Arlin	Steve
	1969	NL- San Diego
	1970	NL- San Diego
	1971	NL- San Diego
	1972	NL- San Diego
	1973	NL- San Diego
	1974	NL- San Diego
	1974	AL- Cleveland
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Bonnell	Barry
	1977	NL- Atlanta
	1978	NL- Atlanta
	1979	NL- Atlanta
	1980	AL- Toronto
	1981	AL- Toronto
	1982	AL- Toronto
	1983	AL- Toronto
	1984	AL- Seattle
	1985	AL- Seattle
	1986	AL- Seattle

Brinkman	Chuck
	1969	AL- Chicago
	1970	AL- Chicago
	1971	AL- Chicago
	1972	AL- Chicago
	1973	AL- Chicago
	1974	AL- Chicago
	1974	NL- Pittsburgh

Burba	Dave
	1990	AL- Seattle
	1991	AL- Seattle
	1992	NL- San Francisco
	1993	NL- San Francisco
	1994	NL- San Francisco
	1995	NL- San Francisco
	1995	NL- Cincinnati
	1996	NL- Cincinnati
	1997	NL- Cincinnati
	1998	AL- Cleveland
	1999	AL- Cleveland
	2000	AL- Cleveland
	2001	AL- Cleveland
	2002	AL- Texas
	2002	AL- Cleveland
	2003	NL- Milwaukee
	2004	NL- Milwaukee
	2004	NL- San Francisco
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Cisco	Galen
	1961	AL- Boston
	1962	AL- Boston
	1962	NL- New York
	1963	NL- New York
	1964	NL- New York
	1965	NL- New York
	1967	AL- Boston
	1969	AL- Kansas City

Cook    Rollin
        1915    AL- St. Louis
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Dagenhard       John
        1943    NL- Boston

Dempsey Mark
        1982    NL- San Francisco

Durant	Mike
	1996 	AL- Minnesota
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Edwards	John
	1961	NL- Cincinnati
	1962	NL- Cincinnati
	1963	NL- Cincinnati
	1964	NL- Cincinnati
	1965	NL- Cincinnati
	1966	NL- Cincinnati
	1967	NL- Cincinnati
	1968	NL- St. Louis
	1969	NL- Houston
	1970	NL- Houston
	1971	NL- Houston
	1972	NL- Houston
	1973	NL- Houston
	1974	NL- Houston
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Frey	Jim
	1980	AL- Kansas City Mgr
	1981	AL- Kansas City Mgr
	1984	NL- Atlanta Mgr
	1985	NL- Atlanta Mgr
	1986	NL- Atlanta Mgr
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Geddes	Jim
	1972	AL- Chicago
	1973	AL- Chicago

Goletz  Stan
        1941    AL- Chicago

Grate   Donald (NOTE: see the basketball page for Pro Basketball career)
	1945	NL- Philadelphia
	1946	NL- Philadelphia
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Howard	Frank
	1958	NL- Los Angeles
	1959	NL- Los Angeles
	1960	NL- Los Angeles
	1961	NL- Los Angeles
	1962	NL- Los Angeles
	1963	NL- Los Angeles
	1964	NL- Los Angeles
	1965	AL- Washington
	1966	AL- Washington
	1967	AL- Washington
	1968	AL- Washington
	1969	AL- Washington
	1970	AL- Washington
	1971	AL- Washington
	1972	AL- Texas
	1972	AL- Detroit
	1973	AL- Detroit
	1981	NL- San Diego Mgr
	1983	NL- New York Mgr

Hurst	Frank "Don"
	1928	NL- Philadelphia
	1929	NL- Philadelphia
	1930	NL- Philadelphia
	1931	NL- Philadelphia
	1932	NL- Philadelphia
	1933	NL- Philadelphia
	1934	NL- Philadelphia
	1934	NL- Chicago
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Janowicz	Vic (NOTE: see football page for Pro Football career)
	1953	NL- Pittsburgh
	1954	NL- Pittsburgh
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Karow   Marty
        1927    AL- Boston

Kime    Hal
        1920    NL- St. Louis

Klee    Ollie
        1925    NL- Cincinnati

Klingenbeck	Scott
	1994	AL- Baltimore
	1995	AL- Baltimore
	1995	AL- Minnesota
        1996    AL- Minnesota
	1998	NL- Cincinnati
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McGee   Frank
        1925    AL- Washington

McNulty	Pat
	1922	AL- Cleveland
	1924	AL- Cleveland
	1925	AL- Cleveland
	1926	AL- Cleveland
	1927	AL- Cleveland

Miller  Russ
        1927    NL- Philadelphia
        1928    NL- Philadelphia
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Nagelson	Russ
	1968	AL- Cleveland
	1969	AL- Cleveland
	1970	AL- Cleveland
	1970	AL- Detroit

Nischwitz	Ron
	1961	AL- Detroit
	1962	AL- Detroit
	1963	AL- Cleveland
	1965	AL- Detroit

Norton  Effie
        1896    NL- Washington
        1897    NL- Washington
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Pittinger       Clarke "Pinky" (NOTE: Also played at Toledo)
        1921    AL- Boston
        1922    AL- Boston
        1923    AL- Boston
        1925    NL- Chicago
        1927    NL- Cincinnati
        1928    NL- Cincinnati
        1929    NL- Cincinnati
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Reilly  Arch (NOTE: Also played at Marshall)
        1917    NL- Pittsburgh

Reisling	Frank "Doc" (NOTE: Also played at Ohio University)
	1904	NL- Brooklyn
	1905	NL- Brooklyn
	1909	AL- Washington
	1910	AL- Washington

Renick	Rick
	1968	AL- Minnesota
	1969	AL- Minnesota
	1970	AL- Minnesota
	1971	AL- Minnesota
	1972	AL- Minnesota
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Savransky       Moe
        1954    NL- Cincinnati

Scherman	Fred
	1969	AL- Detroit
	1970	AL- Detroit
	1971	AL- Detroit
	1972	AL- Detroit
	1973	AL- Detroit
	1974	NL- Houston
	1975	NL- Houston
	1975	NL- Montreal
	1976	NL- Montreal

Sharp	Bill
	1973	AL- Chicago
	1974	AL- Chicago
	1975	AL- Chicago
	1975	AL- Milwaukee
	1976	AL- Milwaukee

Simpson Thomas "Duke" (NOTE: Transferred to Notre Dame)
        1953    NL- Chicago

Smith   Jud
        1893    NL- Cincinnati
        1893    NL- St. Louis
        1896    NL- Pittsburgh
        1898    NL- Washington
        1901    NL- Pittsburgh

Sparma	Joe
	1964	AL- Detroit
	1965	AL- Detroit
	1966	AL- Detroit
	1967	AL- Detroit
	1968	AL- Detroit
	1969	AL- Detroit
	1970	NL- Montreal

Spencer	George
	1950	NL- New York
	1951	NL- New York
	1952	NL- New York
	1953	NL- New York
	1954	NL- New York
	1955	NL- New York
	1958	AL- Detroit
	1960	AL- Detroit

Stewart Glen
        1940    NL- New York
        1943    NL- Philadelphia
        1944    NL- Philadelphia

Stuart  Johnny
        1922    NL- St. Louis
        1923    NL- St. Louis
        1924    NL- St. Louis
        1925    NL- St. Louis

Swisher Nick
        2004    AL- Oakland
        2005    AL- Oakland
        2006    AL- Oakland
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Tarbert Arlie
        1927    AL- Boston
        1928    AL- Boston

Taylor	Fred
	1950	AL- Washington
	1951	AL- Washington
	1952	AL- Washington
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Waugh	James
	1952	NL- Pittsburgh
	1953	NL- Pittsburgh

Welf    Ollie
        1927    AL- Cleveland

Wertz	Bill
	1993	AL- Cleveland
	1994	AL- Cleveland

Workman	Harry "Hoge" (NOTE: see football page for Pro Football career)
	1924	AL- Boston

Wright  Wayne "Rasty"
        1917    AL- St. Louis
        1918    AL- St. Louis
        1919    AL- St. Louis
        1922    AL- St. Louis
        1923    AL- St. Louis

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