Pro Basketball Buckeyes: 1996-2006

The following is a listing of former Buckeyes who have played or been a head coach in major women's professional basketball. The leagues represented are the Womens's National Basketball Association (WNBA) (from 1997-present) and the American Basketball League (1996/97-1998/99).

The list is in alphabetical order by player, followed by the years and teams that player was on the active roster or injured reserve list.

The list is not claimed to be complete. Please e-mail all updates/corrections to Scott Galuska,

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2006.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2005.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2004.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2003.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2002.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2001.

Click here for a list of Buckeyes who played in the WNBA in 2000.

(Click below to find players with last names beginning with these letters.)



Alberts	Marcie
	1997	Cleveland

Angel	Yvette
	1997	Sacramento
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Coleman	Courtney
	2003	Connecticut
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Johnson	Adrienne
	1997	Cleveland
	1998	Cleveland
	1999	Orlando
	2000	Orlando
	2001	Orlando -- On Injured List: Did Not Play
	2002	Orlando
	2003	Connecticut
Jones	Larecha
	2000	Charlotte
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Matter	Caity
	2005	Charlotte
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Smith	Katie
	1996-97	ABL- Columbus
	1997-98	ABL- Columbus
	1998-99	ABL- Columbus
	1999	Minnesota
	2000	Minnesota
	2001	Minnesota
	2002	Minnesota
	2003	Minnesota
	2004	Minnesota
	2005	Minnesota
	2005	Detroit
	2006	Detroit
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