Hi, have a look at all the cool people who have visited my page recently! Are you one of them? if not, gallop on over and fill in my guestbook yourself!

jesse cousins - 10/10/00 00:37:41
My URL:http://www.expage.com/sleepyhollowstables
My Email:galli_rules@horsemail.com
Fave breed of horse: hanoverian, quater horse, welsh, warmblood,

hey everyone, come join my VERY cool horse game. it closed down for awhile so i need all new members. its really fun and when theres enough active members then it will be even more fun and we can do more stuff!!!

Penni00 - 10/05/00 16:05:54
My Email:Penni00@webtv.met
Fave breed of horse: Misouri FoxTrotterand Paint

I really liked your horses. I am a horse lover use to raise them. I am looking for paints run ning in the wild. Or wild mustangs.

Misty Moon - 08/26/00 02:35:36
Fave breed of horse: quarter horses

very nice clip art

Debbie Rutherford - 08/07/00 14:00:01
My Email:drutherford@arrow.org
Fave breed of horse: Morgan/Quarter

I have a 32 year old Morgan/Quarter whom is part of our family. He brings much enjoyment and love to our lives.

Javelin - 07/17/00 01:08:09
My Email:javelin@imaginemail.com
Fave breed of horse: Still looking! =)

Just looking for some graphics to put on my horsey web page and stumbled onto here. The Webpage is still under construction and I haven't put it up on the web, but hopefully soon! Good web page here!

Melonie - 06/23/00 08:53:31
My Email:ahoneycutt@lwol.com
Fave breed of horse: Paint

Just looking

Amanda - 05/29/00 08:33:13
My Email:mandie989@hotmail.com
Fave breed of horse: Apaloosa

I think that this site is absolutely great! Good work.

- 03/04/00 21:17:28


Tamara - 08/10/99 04:15:56
My Email:Silver9964@aol.com
Fave breed of horse: Clydsdale

Great stuff:) Keep up the work:) Have a good one:)

Dawn Keating - 02/26/99 22:35:57
My Email:tdkeating@juno.com
Fave breed of horse: quarter horse

I would like to use your "home page" horse. The one that is sketched running. Can you email me and let me know if you could send me an original sketch and how much it will cost. If you cannot reach me at my above email address, please try me at: dkeating@eyecareinc.com. I will only be at this address until March 12, 99. I would appreciate your quickest response. Thank you very much. Dawn Keating 1220 NE Applewood Street Lee's Summit, MO 64086 #(816)525-2438

Linda Anderberg - 06/25/98 03:39:50
My URL:/~anderberg
My Email:linda@itctel.com
Fave breed of horse: Paint

Just passing through, you should check out my mom's homepage at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2510/ - Gloria's Place on the Prairie

Lina - 05/13/98 09:03:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/valley/6716/
My Email:lina_rs@hotmail.com
Fave breed of horse: New Forest

Very good graphics. I want to have them on my page

Windh - 03/15/98 13:46:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2249
My Email:firefox@startel.net
Fave breed of horse: Arabian

Love your site. Very original!

Intrepid Traveler - 10/17/97 20:07:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/1114
My Email:4scotts@msn.com
Fave breed of horse: skinny

sign my guestbook at my home page give me some good tips on building my own page. Thanks INTREPID TRAVELER

Renee Poudrier - 09/10/97 03:23:20
My Email:rfpnc@coastalnet.com
Fave breed of horse: Connemara

I am enjoying all the "horsey" sites. Some of your art work is excellent.

Huntseat - 08/28/97 23:42:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/1064
My Email:huntseat@hotmail.com
Fave breed of horse: Arabian's

Very Cool page!!! :)

Amy Coffin - 08/11/97 17:55:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/arena/5657/
My Email:cuonxc@frost.snowhill.com
Fave breed of horse: Irish Draft and Connemaras

Love your graphics......making my own homepage and would like permission to use them......Thanks Amy

Amy - 08/03/97 00:11:53
My URL:http.//members.aol.com/HunterandJ/index.html
My Email:HunterandJ@aol.com or HunterandJ@hotmail.com
Fave breed of horse: Oldenburg or Welsh Pony

Great Page! Thanx for sending me the link!

Meriwalker - 08/02/97 19:54:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7919
My Email:hahnme@ix.netcom.com
Fave breed of horse: Tennessee Walkers

Nice to see talent at work. I enjoyed your page and will visit again soon.

hardy wright - 07/25/97 04:05:06
My URL:under construction
My Email:tele64@aol.com
Fave breed of horse: quarter horse

cool page. I reall like your graphics! I'm doing a little web surfing looking for graphics to help my step-daughter build her own web page.(used by permission only, naturally!) Keep up the good work..

Amanda - 07/20/97 13:40:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1896/
My Email:HackneyLuv@aol.com
Fave breed of horse: Hackneys, of course!!

Hi Clare and everyone! I like your page--real cool! But now--I have to go out and work my trainers Hackney Pony. BYE! Amanda

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