LA Kings Webring
Do you want your LA Kings site to have more traffic? Join this webring! Its free, quick, and easy. Just follow these 2 simple steps below, and you'll be in. Now we will be able to browse great Kings pages without searching over and over. Once completed with these 3 Steps, you will be added to the Queue, then when your site is approved you will be added to the Webring. You will be emailed when you are added to both the Queue and the Webring.
Copy and paste this code on your Kings page, and when you sign up you will get a site number. Where it says in the code, put your site number there. This is what makes the whole ring work and I won't put you in unless you do this.
Any Problems or Questions Email Me
It should look like this on your page:
STEP 2: Fill this out
If you have trouble submitting to the queue,try again later (sorry!) but don't give up!
If you would like to edit site information.
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