Welcome to the Home Page of the Eastern Province Waveski Association of South Africa.
Waveski Surfing, for the uninitiated, used to be known as paddleskiing (or 'pêrrelski-ing' in the local vernacular) many years ago, but to differentiate it from true paddleskiing (sea kayaking), it was decided to call the sport waveskiing or waveski surfing. It is essentially a seated alternative to stand-up or lie-down surfing, where a surfer is buckled onto a piece of equipment resembling a thickened surfboard with depressions for butt and feet. Propagation is by a shortened kayak paddle. It is a visually exciting sport to watch and a strenuous one to participate in. It is easy to start learning to waveski but advanced techniques require good physical agility, co-ordination and strength.
Webmaster's Comment – August 2002
Good day, all surf users. Greetings from a cold South Africa - well cool for Northern Hemisphere visitors, maybe. The Billabong Pro has just concluded in Jeffrey's in inconsistent surf. The Annual Breakaway Surfari has been postponed to October, but even so, all seats have been taken up and everyone is anticipating a funfilled and surf plenty event. Surf has been pretty good if a little inconsistent, this winter. Not that I've been getting any! Work, work, work!! But as they say a bad day;'s surf is better than a good day's work. Cheers. Keep lipping it. See you soon!!!
Snail Mail Address: 21 Reginald Road, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 6070
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