Alan and I started to flatland about three months ago and are moving along pretty well. Alan just got a new bike, A '97 Dyno Slammer. I thought it was a pretty good bike until some people on the internet told me about how Dyno and GT made really crappy bikes. I hate a crappy bike. But I can't say anything about his bike because i have a '96 slammer! But its a solid frame and the componants are pretty good. I just added some Peregrine Q-Bars to my bike and i love them.
send some mail to alan's cozAlan hurt himself a while back trying to do a tailwhip without using the front brakes (after i landed one.) He fell forward and smashed his thumb between his bars and the ground. Ouch, thats gotta hurt. He hasn't ridden much after that (3 weeks!) I think he's gonna drop flatland and leave me alone! But He'll probably come back and start again.
Flatlanding is great but the first couple of months of disapointment and difficulty are the hardest. Alan is still struggling with the basic tailwhip, and has trouble with firehydrants. I on the other had am very good at both tailwhip and firehydrants. But i can also decade, and some other beginer moves. The other day after I got my Q-bars, I started acctually getting front yards and halflashes going. It was rad. We started to freestyle after we visited Bobby Carter's Webpage
I Ride a 1996 Dyno slammer, I've added a few nesecities to my bike because the stuff that it came with really sucked. I mean it was total crap. The bars were so crappy and I hated the way they looked. I got those Peregrine Q-bars and those were pretty good. A little wide but good. I recently got some front 990's for my bike and now they work great!. Right now i'm borrowing Alan's Big foot pegs but am planning on getting some Primo Tube Steaks. Click here to see detailed specs on the Slammer '97.
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