Accesses to this page since 22nd July 1997 :
This is the offical home page of the Lanchester Old Boys 8-a-side Football Team,
commonly know as ........
......."The LOBs"
Game 4: Put those chances away!
Despite a goal in 10 seconds we struggle to win 2 - 1. This despite Wed Week
having no shots and we having 100s.
Game 4: All square
With the missing three back and suffering from jet lag we manage a 2 - 2 draw
with Design Bridge after going behind twice.
Game 3: Boarded up
With three mainstays of the team out snowboarding, Rob Haywwod showed great
managerial potential in masterminding a 3 - 2 win over Electric Blues.
Game 2: All went horribly wrong
Bit of over confidence leads to a drubbing at the hands of Bloomsbury (0 - 3)
who've never beaten us before. Still you have to make sure you finish third
some how.
Game 1: Back with a Vengance
First game back in Division 2 and we start with an impressive 4 - 1 win.
The lads are all back on top form. Little do they know if they carry on with
this they'll be promoted again.
Reece Peacock ©
If you have any comments or suggestions, mail me