
Welcome to the site dedicated to the totally wonderful teen age drama "FIFTEEN"
Right now it's just an odd collection of lousy pictures that I've taken from the show. But don't fret, it will soon be filled with totally lousy stuff.

UPDATE: (2-27-2009, 11:00 AM CT) I haven't updated this site in years. I'm only doing so now to denote I will probably never update it further than I have already. What you see is what you get. Ignore anything you see on this site that implies it will ever be updated. I really don't feel like taking the effort to find them all, but feel you should know the situation. I will still check the email that I get, so if you want to talk about the show I'm ok with that. I've heard from various cast members and have emailed back and forth with them, so if you are one of them, I do like hearing from you. My email had emptied out all old emails, so I don't have any of the past stuff, if you were emailing me before and would like to continue go ahead.

I was offering CDrs of my Fifteen Episodes. but am no longer doing so. Maybe you can find them on youtube or some other site. I've never looked for them.

I've updated the results page for the quizshow. I've also posted the answers for it there too. Oh, and I will not be accepting any more answers to the quizshow.

I've started my episode guide Go check it out!

Here's the email address if you want toemail me.










On Fifteen, there are some things that really need to be pointed out. The very first thing that i thought of can only be called...
The Kiss

We all know Matt Walker is an alcoholic, it's been all over school. But is that really so bad? Well, yes it is, but you can still drink like Matt without being an alcoholic. Can you drink like Matt? Try out the
Matt Walker Drinking Challenge.

Do you think you are smarter than Ashley? test you knowledge in the Ashley Fraizer Quiz Show
Go see the results of the quizshow.

Here is some fun you can have. Play with the Fifteen Adlib

Go fill out the Fifteen Survey

There are other pages out there devoted to this show. The internet Movie Database has information too. Here is a link to the database's fifteen page.

email me.