(Fireworks go off around the arena, as the AFW Wenesday Night Warzone logo come onto the screen. Under the logo, the words "put on by the GREAT VP Robert D" appear. Those words are bigger than the logo!! A diversity of fans fill the arena. Many wearing Suicidal Ones shirts. Other wearing Brotherhood and NAAO shirts. Across the screen, AFW and other wrestlers are seen, such as Suicide, Security, and The Amber Knight. Camera spans the crowd. Everyone is holding up signs in support of their favorite wrestlers!!!)
VP Robert D: Hello everyone. And welcome to Three Rivers Stadium, here in Pittsburgh PA. home of the Crappers..I mean the Steelers! The face filling your screen, belongs to the great VP Robert D. I hope you morons know that I put on this card. That proves that NAAO is needed around here. I didnt want anyone to help me tonight, but the AFW felt I needed someone to "assist" me if you call it that..on commentary tonight. So along side of me is AFW's newest moron annoucer..Eric C. Wilson.
Eric C. Wilson: Thank You very much. I am EXTREMELY glad to be here!
VP Robert D: Sure you are! Do I really have to work with you?
ERIC C. WILSON: I am afraid so. We have a great card tonight. It should be a blast.
VP Robert D: I would love to blast you out of here. Is Security in the building?? NO!!! Well find me my cell phone! I need him here now!!!
(someone from the back runs up to the announcers booth and hands) (Eric a slip of paper to read.)
Eric C. Wilson: Oh my!! VP Robert D, you better read this! <VP Robert D> What is it? (grabbing the paper from <announcer 1>) What in the he!! is this?!?! The new AFW Prez, who has a bigger mouth than I do, gets a spot on tonights show? Everyone knows I run this fed. Eric Wilson is going to interview him in the center of the ring?!?! Do you mean I have to listen to this moron?
<announcer 1> You had better, he *is* your boss, and from what I understand, he is not one to be toyed with! <VP Robert D> Whatever...all I know is if he gets out of line, the boys and I will take him out, no problem. (Eric C. Wilson walks into the ring, getting ready for the interview) (He starts to speak) <Eric Wilson> Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time, I would like to introduce the AFW's new President, Jack Avenevoli!!!
(the lights dim, and a spotlight shines on the wrestlers entrance)
(as all of a sudden, Man In The Box by Alice In Chains, starts playing)
(over the arena's sound system. After a minute or two, a figure appears)
(in the wrestlers entrance. He is about 6'5" tall, looking to weigh)
(about 275, and looks *very* strong. He has a very dapper Armani suit)
(on, with a leather, duster style, trench coat on. He smiles a bit)
(waves to the crowd, and walks to the ring. As he enters,)
(Eric C. Wilson takes a step back. Prez Jack walks to the center of)
(the ring, and motions Eric to come over and start the interview)
<Eric C. Wilson> First question, Mr. Prez, what are your immediate plans
for the AFW?
<Prez Jack> My immediate plan is to kick the AFW in the @$$ and get us
back on top, where we belong!
(crowd yells their approval)
<Eric C. Wilson> Very admirable goal, Mr. Prez, but what about the
Vice Presidents, some of which dont have the best
track record, or plain out have their favorite
wrestlers or stables?
<Prez Jack> They all have jobs, for now. But I will make one thing
clear right now, I never have, and I never will take any
$hit from anyone, not even my Vice Presidents!
<announcer 1> Whoa, this guy sounds serious, you had better watch it,
<VP Robert D> WHO THE HE!! DOES HE THINK HE IS?!?!?!?! This guy cant
come in here and try to run roughshod over ME! I make
the rules around here! (Robert D is getting madder by
the minute, to the point of his face turning very red)
This is bull$hit!
<announcer 1> (letting out a little giggle) Watch the blood pressure,
<Eric C. Wilson> Prez, have any other comments to make, as we are
running short of time?
<Prez Jack> First off, I decide if we are short of time, not you,
and not him (pointing to a guy with headphones on,
tapping his watch). But Im a busy man, so before I go,
all AFW officials, especially VP's, and wrestlers, listen
up! This fed is gonna be ran my way. If ya dont like it,
then dont let the door hit ya in the @$$ on the way out!
<Eric C. Wilson> Thank you, Mr. Prez
<Prez Jack> Its been your pleasure.
(Prez Jack steps through the ropes, and slowly walks back to the) (wrestlers entrance. As he gets to the entrance, he turns, waves) (to the fans, then points as VP Robert D at the announcers booth,) (and mouths "watch yourself", then steps through the entrance) <announcer 1> Wow! I think he means business, dont you Robert? <VP Robert D> (sulking in his chair and mumbling) BAH! He will get his. (getting an evil smile on his face) Oh yeah, he will get his. I will show that loud mouthed, little, <announcer 1> ROBERT! Calm down...we have work to do... ERIC C. WILSON: Let just get to our first match between Violence and Wilde Tanke for the LightWeight title.
(announcer 1 leaves.)
(Violence comes out with Security right behind him. The NAAO music blares over the speakers.)
VP Robert D: I though Security wasn't here!! Get me my lawyers!!
ERIC C. WILSON: While Robby over here tries to get court orders..here come Wilde!!
(Unforgiven by Metallica plays as Wilde come down the aisle with the AFW LightWeight Title around his waist. Rebecca is right behind him.)
ERIC C. WILSON: And boy does Afterlife look ready.
VP Robert D: I hope Violence kills that tapeworm!
ERIC C. WILSON: The ref calls for the bell. And Violence charges after Afterlife!
VP Robert D: Of course Violence nails the little punk with a enzuilariato. Violence picks him up and drops him on his head!!!
ERIC C. WILSON: I will say..Violence is a tough wrestler. Violence sends Afterlife into the ropes, back body drop by Violence.
VP Robert D: Thats why he's called Violence. He picks Afterlife up again, but Afterlife kicks Violence in the jimmy!!!! Hey ref...do your job!!!
ERIC C. WILSON: That looked like a clean kick to the gut if you ask me. Now Afterlife throws Violence into the corner, and charges into Violence with a elbow. Thats gotta hurt! Afterlife jumps onto to the top rope..Swinging HeadScissors! Afterlife is lacing into Violence.
VP Robert D: Violence is just wearing the worm out. Hey Security...get in there!!
ERIC C. WILSON: Afterlife goes for the pin.. 1...2...kickout by Violence. Security jumps on to the ring, but Rebecca levels him. Violence punches Afterlife in the face.
VP Robert D: Thats my boy. Go Violence! Another punch by Violence. Afterlife looks dead.
ERIC C. WILSON: Violence runs into the ropes..a flying lariet. Violence uses his high flying skills there. He picks Afterlife up, and throws his to the outside.
VP Robert D: Told you Wildlife was gonna lose. Security throws a chair into the ring. Now its party time!
ERIC C. WILSON: Wait...He should be DQed. Afterlife gets back into the ring. Security has the ref distracted.
VP Robert D: Violence kicks Afterlife in the head. What a way to keep him down. Violence opens the chair. That worm is in trouble now.
ERIC C. WILSON: The ref has his hands full with Security and Rebecca on the outside. He has no idea that the chair is in the ring. Violence pick Afterlife up and places him on the top turnbuckle.
VP Robert D: Its all over after this!!
ERIC C. WILSON: Violence sets him up..but Afterlife nails Violence in the midsection. Afterlife gets up....SLAUGHTERED SOUL ONTO THE CHAIR!!!!!!!!!
VP Robert D: WHAT!!! DQ!! DQ!!!
ERIC C. WILSON: The ref turns around...1....2....3!!!!! IT'S ALL OVER!! Afterlife retains the LightWeight Title in a greuling match!
VP Robert D: WAIT A MINUTE!!! Afterlife should be DQed!!! Im a VP...I can turn decision!!!!
ERIC C. WILSON: Too Late..Violence lost!! *laughs* And our next match is about to start.
VP Robert D: I am gonna make sure you never work here again!
ERIC C. WILSON: Yeah, right! I've got a contract for at least three cards. So I'll be around whether you like it or not.
VP Robert D: Shut up. We've got a rematch for you AFW fans. Hot Stuff Becky Tanke with her manager Wilde Tanke is now in the ring. And here comes the only female in the AFW with a victory, Alexandria.
ERIC C. WILSON: Alex is the Amber Knight's fiancé, I wonder if we will be seeing him at ringside.
VP Robert D: I doubt it, I think Alex can take care of herself.
ERIC C. WILSON: There's the bell. The two women circle the ring.
VP Robert D: The lock up and Alex throws Becky against the ropes. On the rebound she gives her a vicious clothesline.
ERIC C. WILSON: This is the first actual women's match here at the AFW. The last time there was a women's match scheduled, Becky didn't show up.
VP Robert D: She was probably scared.
ERIC C. WILSON: She doesn't look scared now, she just reversed a piledriver attempt by Alex. Becky picks up Alex and gives her a bodyslam.
VP Robert D: Becky looks like she's in control. She throws Alex in the corner and runs in after her.
ERIC C. WILSON: Oooooh, Alex got her foot up in the air and kicked Becky. She stomped on her belly a couple of times. Now she's climbing the ropes...And gives Becky a leg drop!
VP Robert D: Becky looks like she's in some big trouble now. Alex is walking around the ring getting the crowd into it. They are going nuts!!!
ERIC C. WILSON: She's going for the finisher. She gets her into the Boston Crab. Becky doesn't waste any time submitting.
VP Robert D: Well after two minutes and thirty seconds the AFW has its first woman wrestler with a victory, Alexandria!
ERIC C. WILSON: Now we've got some tag team action for you. The Masters of Fire are putting their belt on the line against the Crocodile Hunters.
VP Robert D: Harley doesn't wait for the bell, he goes after Master right away. He punches the Master in the face and lays him on the floor. Harley picks up the Master and throws him into the Croc's corner. And the Anvil is ready with a foot to Master's face.
ERIC C. WILSON: The Hunters are in full force tonight. It looks like the MoF are a little rusty because of their lengthy time off.
VP Robert D: Harley tags out to the Anvil. Harley picks up Master and puts him in a full nelson as AA climbs the ropes.
ERIC C. WILSON: But Fire's out from his corner and turns Harley around right before AA hits Master and AA nailed Harley hard!
VP Robert D: The ref gets Fire out of the ring And Harley finally rolls out while Master and AA go at it. The Master gives AA a body slam. He goes to tag Fire...
ERIC C. WILSON: But AA gets up and stops Master. He gives him a suplex and puts him in the camel clutch!
VP Robert D: Fire comes in again, but Harley is ready for it. He gives Fire a clothes line.
ERIC C. WILSON: The Master hasn't given up yet!
VP Robert D: Haley picks up Fire and throws him out of the ring.
ERIC C. WILSON: The ref is trying to get Harley out of the ring when Fire grabs Master's leg and puts it on the rope. And the ref turns around and makes AA break the hold. And goes to tag in Harley.
VP Robert D: That's the third change for the Hunters while the Masters of Fire have yet to make a tag. Harley kicks Master in the midsection and puts Master in a suplex.
ERIC C. WILSON: Oh no! Master reverses the suplex! He immediately tags Fire in and he goes nuts on Harley. He punches him in the face four times and throws him into the ropes. On the rebound, Fire gets Harley with a leg sweep and then jumps on him with a double knee drop. He picks up Harley.
VP Robert D: Oh my! Fire just gave Harley a choke slam! AA charges Fire and Fire gives him a choke slam!
ERIC C. WILSON: Fire goes for the cover. (one...two...three)
VP Robert D: The Masters of Fire retain their belts in a time of 8:58.
ERIC C. WILSON: Now we've got an exciting match-up. The "Franchise" Jammin is going up against the world's oldest man, Zoltan.
VP Robert D: This should be a good match.
ERIC C. WILSON: Like hell it will be. Jammin is going to kick the crap out of Zoltan.
VP Robert D: We'll see about that. There's the bell and Jammin rushes Zoltan. They lock up and Jammin gives Zoltan a body slam. He picks up Zoltan and throws him into the ropes. Jammin waits for Zoltan's return and flips him out of the ring.
ERIC C. WILSON: Jammin runs at the far ropes and dives out of the ring at Zoltan. He picks him up and gives him a Northern Lights suplex.
VP Robert D: An amazing move by Jammin. He picks up Zoltan and throw him into the ring and gives him a Cobra Clutch. But Zoltan blocks it and throws Jammin into the corner. He follows with a shoulder to the back. He jumps up on the top rope and gives Jammin a super-suplex! He covers. (one...two...th-)
VP Robert D: Jammin barely got out of that one. Zoltan is arguing with the ref about a slow count while Jammin is getting up.
ERIC C. WILSON: Jammin hits Zoltan in the back of the head and nails him with a enzuigiri! Jammin goes for the cobra clutch but Zoltan blocks it and punches Jammin in the face.
VP Robert D: Jammin goes in for a bulldog headlock, but Zoltan throws him off and nails him with a karate chop.
ERIC C. WILSON: WOW! Zoltan nails Jammin with a flying power slam and covers. (one...two...three!)
ERIC C. WILSON: Zoltan pulls off the upset after 8:32!
VP Robert D: That was hardly an upset. I told you Zoltan would win.
ERIC C. WILSON: Shut up!
VP Robert D: You shut up. I'm the VP here, and I'll get you fired faster than an ice cube melting on a hot summers day.