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Rumor Board

Note: Sorry everyone for the long delay. I had family probs for awhile and wasn't online much. I added rumors submitted to me while I was away and I put the date they were submitted to me. Again, sorry for the long delay.

Date Rumor
10/4/97 The DSA might all be turning heel
10/4/97 That the AFW have been fined for Prank calls to Pizza Hut requesting a Michael Jordan???
10/4/97 Suicidal ones are now formed and are plotting against the President!
10/4/97 Security's very pissed about his loss against Aussie Anvil and will turn Anti-Austrailian.
10/4/97 The Brotherhood is plotting against the Suicidal Ones and they may have gotten the AoD and the NAAO to join them.
10/26/97  Zoltan loses his powers, loses his title and leaves the AFW to go sell shoes. :)  
10/26/97   Zoltan's floating secret has been discovered! He pays the special effects guy to raise the things he wants to "float". 
10/26/97   Violence has a thing for Rebecca Tanke. They'll have a feud but the feud will end up personal.
10/26/97  Eric Bischoff is interested in AFW talent. 
10/26/97  Someone from NWICW will play a big role at the AFW PPV.  
10/26/97   El Diablo will unretire, come back and wrestle nobody, then retire 8 days later.  
10/29/97   Master might be quitting the NAAO and Zoltan might be thrown out with the way he's going.
10/30/97   A former AFW star who turned out to be a headache is going to make his return. But in disguise. 
11/23/97   Some of the current AFW stables could soon be no more.  
11/23/97   The Suicidal lightweight may be Pessimist after all
11/23/97   The Suicidal One's may be making some "Cuts" 
11/23/97   Black Death may make his return 
11/23/97   Zoltan is actually "Spark Plug" Bob Holy and that is why he never wins.  
11/30/97   Fatale will turn on Wilde AND Suicide 
11/30/97   Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie will join AFW and form the
Blue Anti-AFW Order 
11/30/97   Jerry Lawler will come out and reveal himself as a woman
11/30/97   The NAAO will probably make an appearance at ECW November to Remember.
12/01/97   The NAAO were at ECW November to Remember, but at the last minute, someone somehow canceled their appearance and they weren't allowed to the ring.
12/01/97   SIW may get involved in the AFW/NWICW fed war.
12/15/97   An exreamly HUGE force from the past may be returning to the AFW!
12/15/97   Rumors have it that an old wrestler named THE TEXAS TORNADO will come back to wrestling in the AFW.
12/18/97   Zoltan. Could he be turning face?
12/18/97   Mozart will eat a lot of McDonald's food so he can keep up his reputation as being a glutin in Zoltan's mind.
1/07/98   Maximus_Ordicus and Wilde Tanke have been seen at Michael Jordan's Restaraunt in Chicago. When an AFW camera came up to see Max and Wilde Did their Old Finisher on him. And "Hard Rock" Brandon Townsend has been seen Pumping Iron back in Los Angeles at Vennace Beach. Although the Wieght he was pumping was only 60lbs you could tell that he was getting ready for something big!

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REMEMBER! These are just rumors, not proven facts.