- Alaina - The one and only true lover of mine. And no, the fact that she comes from invercargill doesn't really worry me that much. ;)
- PuppyLuv - Indeed another great friend of mine, go chat to her in #NZ or sometimes #route666.
- IkeKrull - A good friend of mine, he also takes care of the #route666 homepage.
- babe - Another really good ex gf babe of a friend of mine (does that make sence?)
- |-|ummer - Fuck are you STILL goddamn cold!?
- Shekinah - err, i dunno what to say but i should include her..:) (and babe loves you darling)
- moonshine - "Two AA batteries please sir, and...do you think i'm pretty?"
- Sky_Dog - *ahem* I dunno
- Mantikor - I LOVE YOU! And your flat ROX!!
- Cornell - Whadda babe too! (But, be carefull not to tell her this...)
- Nyquil - Fucking invercargill impersonating truck driving sack of shit that can't goddamn turn CORNERS! (I Still love you dude)
- Cylkryl - errr....ehehe, same as Cornell? aww'ight? (Had to add the aww'ight bit cause, well...she does it sooo well)
- Wicked - A hi to you and Jaime blah blah yadda yadda.
- AztecRose - Heya..I'm 'ready' now ok? *grin*
- SunGlory - err, umm....are you ready too? Or do i do you as a seperate item?
- Belial - I love you ark, err...
- Wanderah - Just Fuck up aye
- Manson -
- Magnusson -
- DahkSmurf - Ok, err, shall i bring the lube, or will you?
- Stoat - Be sure when washing a pipe to use a strong dishwashing detergent, and to scrub it long and hard for at least an hour, to get all that yukky odour out.
- Demii -
- tpc - You are my true male lover. (Are you happy now? )