Marathon Contact Phone Numbers &  10Km to marathon time
Hints for the Success of the Four Hour Marathoner

Compiled from infor direct from marathon organizers Running Times and
Runner's World (Jan, 1996)...and runners and marathoners like you.

Nov 23          Tulsa           Tulsa, OK               918-744-0339
Nov 24          Seattle         Seattle, WA             206-821-6474
Nov 24          Cincinnati      Cincinnati, OH          513-898-7015
Nov 24          SpaceCoast      Melbourne, FL           407-724-2510
Nov 28          Atlanta         Atlanta, GA             404-231-9065
Nov 30          Mississippi Bch Ocean Srngs, MS         601-865-3071
Dec 1           White Rock      Dallas, TX              214-526-5318
Dec 1           Memphis         Memphis, TN             800-489-4040
Dec 1           West Hemisp     Culver City, CA         310-253-6650
Dec 1           Almost Heaven   Charleston, WV          304-744-6502
Dec 1           MACAU           Macau, S. China         853-580-762
Dec 1           Bulldog         Altus, Okla.            405-946-5614
Dec 1           Holiday         Vandalia,  OH           513-898+7015
Dec 7           Alamogordo      White Sands, NM         505-382-8869
Dec 7           Kentucky        Louisville KY           502-228-1133
Dec 7           Mississippi     Clinton, MS             601-856-9884
Dec 8           Cal. Int'l      Sacramento, CA          916-443-6223
Dec 8           Honolulu        Honolulu, HI            808-734-7200
Dec 8           Delaware        Wilmington, DE          302-654-6400
Dec 8           Brandon         Brandon, Fla            813-681-4279
Dec 14          Rocket City     Huntsville, AL          205-881-9077
Dec 14          Kiawah Is.      Charleston, SC          803-768-3400
Dec 14          Jacksonville    Jacksonville, FL        904-739-1917
Dec 26-31       6 Pack          Vandalia, OH            513-898-7015
Dec 28          New Year Res.   Muir Beach              415-868-1839
Jan             Disney World    Orlando, Fl             407-939-7810
Jan             King Day        Tacoma WA               206-383-3531
Jan             Pt Reyes Trl    Pt. Reyes CA            415-868-1829
Jan             BERMUDA         Bermuda                 441-238-2333 or MT
Jan             Englewood Resrv Englewood OH            513-898-7015
Jan             Mardi Gras      New Orleans, LA         504-482-6682
J19     San Diego       San Diego,CA 619-792-2900
Jan             Tenneco         Houston, TX             713-864-9305
Jan             Great Valley    Chambersburg, PA        717-263-5631
Jan             Raritan Vly     Piscataway NJ           908-846-2739
Jan             Winter          Vandalia OH             513-898-7015
Jan             VIET NAM        Hanoi                   84-8-290-672
Jan             Beargrease Snowshoe  Duluth MN          612-435-8114
Jan             Ellerbe Sprgs   Ellerbe, NC             910-895-2626(correct #)
Feb             Tallahassee     Tallahassee,FL          904-385-2768(correct #)
Feb             Tybee           Tybee Is. BA            912-354-6223
Feb            TOKYO           Japan                   81-3-3481-2300
                Long Beach
Feb             Mid Winter      Huber Hgts/Dayton OH    513-898-2664
Feb             Carolina        Columbia, SC            803-929-1996 (Wom.Oly)
Feb             Las Vegas       Las Vegas, NV           702-876-3870
Feb             Lost Soles      Talent, OR              503-535-4854
Feb             Doral Ryder     Miami, FL               305-227-1500
Feb             Charlotte Obsvr Charlotte, NC           704-358-5425 (Men Oly)
Feb             Heart Break Hls Many, LA                318-868-5668
Feb             Ohio River      Oxford, OH              513-438-5308
Feb             Motorola        Austin, TX              512-505-83049(best #)
Feb             Wash.Birthdy    Greenbelt, MD           703-271-8959
Feb             TAHITI  Moorea, Polynesia               310-414-8484
Feb             Blue Angel      Pensacola FL            904-452-2843
Feb             Cowtown         Forth Worth, TX         817-735-2033
Feb             Smokey Mt       Louisville, TN          615-681-7467
Feb             HMRRC           Albany, NY              518-383-4514
Feb             3rd Oly Mem     St. Louis, MO           314-434-9577
Feb             SEVILLA         Spain                   34-5-95-452-0033
Feb             Capetown        Capetown, So. Africa    27-21-616-186
Feb             Charlotte Obsvr Charlotte, NC           704-358-5425 (Men Oly)
Feb             Heart Break Hls Many, LA                318-868-5668
Feb             Ohio River      Oxford, OH              513-438-5308
Feb             Motorola        Austin, TX              512-505-83049(best #)
Feb             Wash.Birthdy    Greenbelt, MD           703-271-8959
Feb             TAHITI  Moorea, Polynesia               310-414-8484
Feb             Blue Angel      Pensacola FL            904-452-2843
Feb             Cowtown         Forth Worth, TX         817-735-2033
Feb             Smokey Mt       Louisville, TN          615-681-7467
Feb             HMRRC           Albany, NY              518-383-4514
Feb             3rd Oly Mem     St. Louis, MO           314-434-9577
Feb             SEVILLA         Spain                   34-5-95-452-0033
Feb             Capetown        Capetown, So. Africa    27-21-616-186
Mar             Last Train Bost Edgewood, MD            410-638-1091
Mar             Trail's End     Seaside, OR             503-646-7867
Mar             B&A Trail       Severna Pk, MD          410-987-0674
Mar             Los Angeles     Los Angeles, CA         310-444-5544
Mar             Napa Valley     Napa, CA                707-257-6515
Mar             Maui            Kahului, HI             808-871-6441
Mar             CHINA CST       Hong Kong, China        852-818-4856
Mar             TEL AVIV                Israel          972-3-561-3322
Mar    Sat      Catalina Is.    Catalina, CA            310-433-4557
Mar             Music City      Nashville, TN           615-298-3435
Mar             Shamrock        Virginia Bch, VA        804-481-5090
Mar             DONG-A Int'l    Seoul, Korea            82-2-361-0730
Mar             Rome            Italy US=212-688-3700   81-52-221-0739
Mar             Trail Breaker   Waukesha, WI            414-453-7600
Mar             Great SW        Abilene, TX             915-677-8144
Mar             Athens          Athens, OH              614-594-3042
Apr             Golden Gate     Sausalito, CA           415-868-1829
Apr             Army Mule Mt.   Ft. Huachuca, AZ        602-533-2541
Apr             Hogeye          Fayetteville, AR        501-442-6488
Apr           Boston          Boston, MA              508-435-6905
Apr           Longest Day     Brookings, SD           605-692-2334
Apr           Camp Lejune     Camp Lejune, NC         910-451-5430
Apr           Napa Vly Trail  Calistoga, CA           415-868-1829
Apr           LONDON          England                 617-242-7845=MT
Apr           PARIS           Paris, France           33-1-42-77-17-84 or MT
Apr           VIENNA          Austria                 43-1-402-6917
Apr           Glass City      Toledo, OH              419-475-0731
Apr           BRASILIA                Brazil          55-92-656-5019
Apr           Pine Line Trl   Medford,  WI (Dairylnd) 715-748-6450
Apr           Big Sur         Carmel, CA              408-625-6226
Apr           Running Fit Trl Ann Arbor, MI           313-769-5016
Apr           Lake Cnty       Highland Pk, IL         708-266-7223
Apr           USArmyMedComm   San Antonio, TX         210-221-1342
Apr           Michigan Trl    Ann Arbor, MI           313-769-5016
Apr           ROTTERDAM       Netherlands             31.10.4172886
Apr           MADRID          Madrid, Spain           34-1-266-9701
Apr           WROCLAW         Poland                  48-71-555-030
May            FLETCHER        Rotorua, N. Zealand     64-7-348-8448
Apr             Mt.Hamilton     Mt Hamilton, CA         415-868-1829
May            Great Potato    Boise, ID               208-344-5501
May            Shiprock        Farmington, NM          505-327-5595
May            Whiskey Row     Prescott, AZ            602-445-7221
May            Ave. of Giants  Weott,CA   RT, 281 Hidden Vly Rd,Bayside,CA95524
May            VANCOUVER       BC Canada               604-872-2928
May            Pittsburgh      Pittsburgh, PA          412-578-3320
May            Lincoln         Lincoln, NE             402-423-4519
May            Race of Cham    Holyoke, MA             413-734-0955
May            Revco           Cleveland, OH           800-GO-REVCO
May            Wild West       Lone Pine, CA           619-876-4444
May            Buffalo         Buffalo, NY             716-837-7223
May            Long Is.        East Meadow, NY         516-572-0251
May            Spring Fling    Vandalia, OH            513-898-7015
May            TORONTO         Ontario                 416-426-7219
May           Lake Geneva     Lake Geneva,  WI        414-248-4323
May           HeadlndsWolfRdg Sausalito, CA           415-868-1829
May           Forest City     London, Ontario         519-685-8675
May           TURIN           Turin, Italy            39-11-663-1231
May           Tallinn         Tallinn, Estonia        372-2-238-220
May            BUDAPEST                Hungry          36-1-267-6560
May           Nat'l Capital   Ottawa, Ont  Canada     613-234-2221
May           J. Miles        Nova Scotia             902-755-8363
May           Forest City     London, Ontario         519-685-8675
May            MUNCHEN Munich, Germany                 49-89-641-0616
May           Muir Woods      Muir Wood, CA           415-868-1829
May           Capital City    Olympia, WA             360-786-1786
May           COPENHAGEN      Denmark                 45-35-26-6900
May           Andy Payne      Oklahoma Cty, OK        405-424-3010
May           BayShore        Traverse Cty, MI        616-941-5743
May           Lone Star       Amarillo, TX            806-345-3451
May           Gage RdRunr     Gage, OK                405-923-7727
May           LAKELAND        Vermilion,Alb. Canada   403-953-8471
MAY           Med City        Rochester, MN           507-282-1310
May           Madison         Madison, WI             608-256-9922
May           Vermont City    Burlington, VT          800-642-5154
May           Wyoming         Cheyenne,  WY           307-635-3316
May           Coeur D'Alene   Coeur D'Alene, ID       208-773-7581
Jun            Governor Cup    Helena, MT              406-447-3414
Jun            RidgeRunr       Cairo, WV               304-643-2931
Jun            God'sCntry      Coudersport, PA         814-435-2290
Jun            STOCKHOLM       Sweden                  46-8-667-1930 or MT
Jun            Steamboat       Steamboat Sprgs, CO     303-879-0882
Jun            Nipmuck Trl     Ashford, CT             203-455-1096
Jun            Clackamas River Beaverton, OR           803-646-2867
Jun             WildernessTrl   Marin, CA               415-868-1829
Jun            MELBOURNE               Australia       61-3-853-2768
Jun            Palos Verdes    Palos Verdes, CA                    (2nd Sat)
Jun            Sugar Loaf      Kingfield, ME           207-237-2000
Jun            Hoosier         Fort Wayne, IN          219-749-1237
Jun            Taos            Taos, NM                505-776-1860
Jun            Valley of Flwrs Lompoc, CA              805-735-3255
Jun            Sunburst        South Bend, IN          219-284-6613
Jun           Mar2Marathon    Marathon, IA            712-289-2246
Jun           YUKON           Yukon, Canada           403-668-4236
Jun           MANITOBA        Winnipeg, Canada        204-925-5751
Jun           Fila Sky        Aspen,  CO              212-714-1280
Jun           High Sierra     Truckee, CA             510-223-5778
Jun           Grandma's       Duluth, MN              218-727-0947
Jun           Midnight Sun    Anchorage AK            907-343-4474
Jun           Pk. of Roses    Columbus, OH            513-898-7015
Jun            Sum. Solstice   Muir Bch, CA            415-868-1829
Jun           ARTIC CIRCLE    Nanasivik, Canada       416-869-0772
Jun            PRAGUE  Czchoslovakia   42-2-207-429
Jun           MIDNIGHT SUN    Baffin Is. NT Canada    416-869-0772
Jun           KILIMANJARO     Tanzania                310-320-3663
Jul            PAAVO NURMI     Turku, Finland          358-21-2503-526
Jul            CALGARY         Alberta, Canada         403-270-8828
Jul           Grandfather Mt  Boone, NC               704-265-3479
Jul           San Francisco   San Francisco, CA       415-391-2123
Jul           Ohio-Mich       Toledo, OH              419-475-0731
Jul           GOLD COAST      Queensland, Aus.        61-75-911-2405
Jul           Mosquito        Leadville, CO           719-486-3900
Jul           Okoboji         Pike's Pt St. Pk Iowa   712-338-2424
Jul           Deseret News    Salt Lake City, UT      801-237-2135
Jul           Kilauea Volcano  Hawaii Nat.Pk. HI      808-967-8222
Jul           HELSINKI                Finland         358-0-158-2405
Jul           NOVA SCOTIA     Barrington, NS          902-637-3254
Aug            Frank Maier     Juneau, AL              907-586-8322
Aug            Drakes Bay      Sausalito, CA           415-868-1829
Aug            SIBERIAN        Omsk, Russia            7-3812-311-844
Aug           Union Terminal Cincinnati, OH           513-898-7015
Aug           Crater Lk. Rim  Klamath Falls, OR       503-884-6939
Aug           Paavo Nurmi     Upson, WI               715-561-4334
Aug           Mammouth Mt     Mammoth Lake, CA        510-223-5778
Aug           Summer Spree    Vandalia, OH            513-898-7015
Aug           Pikes Pk Ascnt  Manitou Spgs, CO        719-473-2625
Aug           Pikes Peak      Manitou Spgs, CO        719-473-2625
Aug           REYKJAVIK               Iceland         354-1-626-385
Aug           Festival-by-Sea Saint John, N.Brunswick 506-696-4922
Aug           Kona            Kailua-Kona, HI         808-329-4661
Aug           Silver State    Reno, NV                702-849-0419
Aug           EDMONTON        Alberta, Canada         403-433-6062
Aug           ADELAIDE                Australia       61-8-213-0615
Aug           Sausalito       Sauksalito, CA          415-686-1829
Sep            Black Hills     Rapid City, SD          605-348-7866
Sep            Scotty Hanton   Port Huron, MI          519-542-2153
Sep            Snowgoose       Anchorage, AK           907-258-4964
Sep            Tupelo          Tupelo, Miss.           601-842-2-39
Sep            BEAVERLODGE     Grand Prarie, Alberta   403-532-7138
Sep            Twin Cities     St.John, Newfoundland   709-368-1728
Sep            Heart of America  Columbia MO   314-445-2684  (Labor Day, 6 am)
Sep            Turtle          Roswell, NM             505-624-8830
Sep            Am.Odyssey      Marathon City, WI       715-675-6977
Sep            Bismarck        Bismarck, ND            701-255-1525
Sep            Jackson         Jackson, WY             307-733-5056
Sep             OSLO                    Norway          47-22-565-370
Sep            GOLDEN EAGLE    Canmore, Alberta        403-270-7317
Sep            SASKATCHEWAN    Saskatoon, Canada       306-382-2962
Sep            Oilsands        Fort McMurray, Alberta  403-791-4027
Sep            Yellowknife              NW Terr.       403-920-3128
Sep           Eriesistible    Erie, PA                814-459-8381
Sep           Burney Classic  Burney,  CA             916-335-2825
Sep           Equinox         Fairbanks, AK           907-452-8351
Sep           Bethel Mt.      Bethel, Alaska          907-543-2110
Sep           Sugar River Trl Bradhead, WI            608-897-4516
Sep           Walker North    Walker, Minn            800-833-1118
Sep           Fall Fantasy    Vandalia,  OH           513-898-7015
Sep           MONTREAL                Canada          514-284-5272
Sep           AMSTERDAM               Holland         31-20-663-0781
Sep           Duke City       Albuquerque, NM         505-890-1018
Sep           Clarence Demar  Gilsum NH               603-357-5891
Sep           Portland        Portland, OR            503-226-1111
Sep           East Lyme       East Lyme, Conn.        203-739+2864
Sep           BERLIN          Germany                 49-30-392-2382
Sep           PRINCE ED IS.   Charlottetown, PEI      902-566-3966
Oct            St. George      St. George, UT          801-634-5850
Oct            Maine           Portland, ME            207 774-5795
Oct            Sacramento      Sacramento,CA           916-678-5005
Oct            Yonkers         Yonkers, NY             914-377-6430 (6450?)
Oct            Twin Cities     Minneapolis, MN         612-673-0778
Oct           Pueblo River    Pueblo, CO              719-543-5151
Oct           Lakefront       Milwaukee, WI           414-783-5009
Oct           Atlantic City   Atalantic, NJ           609-822-6911
Oct           Richmond        Richmond, VA            804-649-6738 (6838?)
Oct           Green Mt        S. Hero, VT             802-434-3228
Oct           Caesar Creek    C.C Park, OH            513-898-1015 (7015?)
Oct           Wichita         Wichita, KS             316-267-6812
Oct           Chicago         Chicago, IL             312-527-2200
Oct           Detroit         Detroit, MI             313-393-7749
Oct           Colorado        Denver, CO              303-727-8700
Oct           Humboldt        Weott, CA               707-443-1220
Oct           Mohawk-Hud.     Albany,  NY
Oct           ATHENS          Greece                  303-863-0066
Oct           St. Louis       St Louis, MO            314-781-3926 (3726?)
Oct           Sky to Sea      Santa Cruz, CA          415-868-1829
Oct           Marine Corps    Wash. DC                703-640-2225
Oct           VENICE          Venice, Italy           39-41-940-644
Oct           DUBLIN          Ireland                 617-242-7686
Oct           FRANKFURT               Germany
Oct           Cape Cod        Falmouth, MA            508-540-6959
Nov            Big Sur Trail   Big Sur, CA             415-868-1829
Nov            AndrJackson     Jackson, TN             901-668-1708
Nov            Cherokee Strp   Ponca, OK               405-767-4339
Nov            Leprechaun      Vandalia, OH            513-898-7015
Nov            Omaha   Omaha, NE               402-553-8349
Nov            New York        New York, NY            212-860-4455
Nov            Ocean State     Narragansett, RI        401-885-4499
Nov            Chickamauga     Chickamauga, GA         615-875-3642
Nov           Columbus        Columbus, OH            614-433-0395
Nov           Harrisburg      Harrisburg, PA          717-652-2521
Nov           San Antonio     San Antonio, TX         210-246-9652
Nov           Vulcan          Birmingham, AL          205-995-5344
Nov           Philadelphia    Philadelphia,PA         215-685-0054
Nov             Palm Desert     Palm Desert, CA         619-346-8070

Max. possible Realistic
10Km marathon time marathon time
------ ------------- -------------
27:00 2:05:00   2:08:30
28:00 2:10:00   2:14:00
29:00 2:15:00   2:19:30
30:00 2:20:00   2:25:00
31:00 2:25:00   2:30:30
32:00 2:30:00   2:36:00
33:00 2:35:00   2:43:00
34:00 2:40:00   2:49:00
35:00 2:45:00   2:55:00
36:00 2:50:00   3:00:00
37:00 2:55:00   3:07:00
38:00 3:00:00   3:15:00
39:00 3:05:00   3:20:00
40:00 3:10:00   3:25:00
42:30 3:22:00   3:42:30
45:00 3:35:00   4:00:00
47:30 3:47:30   4:20:00
50:00 4:00:00   4:40:00

Hints for the Success of the Four Hour Marathoner (Super-Fours)

These Hints are from a brochure for Super-Fours, i.e. those running over 4
hours in the Marathon.  It was subtitled:  "A Short Guide to the Care and
Support of Four-Hour Marathoners, The Physically Distressed and Mentally
Distracted Sub-Fours and The First Time Marathoner-Who Only Wants To
It was originally published by the International Association of
Marathoners (IAM  and pronounced "I AM") in 1988.

The last 6 to 8 miles of the Marathon will test an individual physically
but most of all mentally.  No matter how well prepared on may be, the
unknown of how one will be or how the weather conditions will be leaves
one with some sense of discovery or travelling unfamiliar territoroes of
mind/body.  It is often for the righteous and well-trained that the fall
from grace is the hardest.

IAM Aware:

Know that you will tell others your verbal time:   "About 4 hours."

Know that you will harbor a desired time:    "I THINK I can do it,
                                             if all goes perfect,
                                             15 to 30 minutes faster."

Know that you will have an ideal or fantasized time:
                                             "Wouldn't it be great to break
                                              3:30 in my first marathon."

Acknowledge your desired time and Fantasy Time verbally to yourself, otherwi=
they will influence you finish time for the worse.

Super-Four Success One:

   Set your time with a standard deviation (SD) of 15 minutes.  The SD=3D=B1
(Verbal Time + 5 minutes).  The mind/body message goes from a single
second in time to a window of 30 minutes and respects the mind, the body
and the conditions of the day.

Super-Four Success Two:

   Starting a marathon 30 seconds to 60 seconds per mile faster than your
race plan for the first 3 to 5 miles can slow your finish time from 20
minutes to 90 minutes.  That speed will burn off several times more
glycogen in the first 3 to 5 miles than needed.  You are fueled with
energy from minimal running the 6 days before the marathon.  You have also
stored extra energy from eating and hydrating well the last three days
before the marathon.  Know your game plan and stick to it for the first 3
to 5 miles when you are so full of energy.  That energy can easily give
you the power to run those first few miles at that 30 second to 60 second
per mile faster...and not even realize it.  It will remember somewhere
between miles 18 and 26.

Super-Four Success Three:

   The jitteriness you feel the morning of the race and the day before are
from your body being fueled and needing to expend energy.  You can
identify it as fear, or nervousness, or worry.  Just remember you haven't
run more than 2 to 4 miles in 3 days.  You body is ready to do
something-Run A Marathon.  You now feel what it's like not to run a few
days...or the feelings 3 days after injuring yourself.  To walk and
sightsee 5 to 10 miles the day before the marathon is 500 to 1000 calories
of energy plus the water to store the glycogen.  You may not be able to
replenish it by race time.

Super-Four Success Four:

   In the past 6 months if you have moved, bought a house, changed jobs,
started or ended a relationship, had a child (or fathered a child), have
trouble at work or home that costs you mental energby, there is a good
likelihood you will finish 30 to 60 minutes slower than you had planned.

Super-Four Success Five:

   When you feel tired or unable to go on, should your mind go to the
finish line, bring it back to the present.  If your mind is at the finish,
so is your body...even though it has 1 to 6 more miles jto go.  Bring the
mind to the present by saying,  "I am at Mile ___ and am being drawn by a
magnet to the finish.  I hold my body up and erect and I am being pulled
steadily to the finish."

Super-Four Success Six:

   The last 10 miles push the crown of your head up and look to the
horizon.  By holding the head erect you save your shoulder muscles and
balance not only the weight of your 12 to 14 pound head but also your

Super-Four Success Seven:

   The last 6 miles run out from the pack and away from the curbside.  You
are in a trance state by mile 18.  You will be open to and picking up
visual and non-verbal cues of runners around you.  If you are away from the
curb and can see 200 to 300 yards in front of you,  you will be running
your own race.  Should someone stop dead in f ront of you, do not give them
any of your energy by getting angry or upset.  Simply say as you pass them,
"Don't lose your form.  Even if you walk keep your good running form."

Super-Four Success Eight:

   When someone running with you starts to speed up or to fall behind, or
you start to pick up your pace or fall behind; in your mind, picture a pair
of scissors in your hand cutting the cord between you and the other runner.
Otherwise, you will be carrying that person in your mind...and it will
only slow you down...or wear you out if they are in front of you.  You can
only be in one place physically, and that is directly above the space upon
which you feet are running.  Cutting that cord allows you to cut loose from
a slower runner or free your mind from attempting to keep up with a faster

Super-Four Success Nine:

   When you run with someone, run shoulder to shoulder.  If you run
slightly behind, the mind often feels like it is having to catch up.  If
your image is that of being pulled or towed by the runner in front of you,
then running behind is okay...unless the runner complains.

Super-Four Success Ten:

   In a marathon to catch someone, wind them in over a mile to three miles.
that way you waste no energy required to finish the last 1 to 6 miles.