Brad Cavanagh

Fab Four

<--About Me
<--some links
<--da boyz
<--say what?
<--i was born a rambling man
<--and hit?
Welcome to another in a series of my web pages. This one, like its predecessor, is in a more professional style than earlier ones. I've learned some tricks, and put them to the test here. I've also done a lot more since my last page was written, so I felt a thorough update was in order. Oh, I'll guarantee that you won't find any animated pictures or blinking text. I find those extremely annoying. If you've any questions, e-mail me.

It just dawned on me that this page bears a resemblance to the computer panels on Star Trek. It's not supposed to, believe me.

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Pages last updated: 20 May 1998

about | links | e-mail | fab four | quotes | hawaii | ramble | photos | misc | updates

All pages created with Notepad and Emacs by Brad Cavanagh, 1997/1998

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