Returning Varsity Lettermen

Rico Garcia - Senior - 34-7
Justin Hayden- Senior - 26-14
Kelly Delatorre - Senior - 23-15
Benny Ontiveros- Senior - 17-15
Matt Strait - Senior - 17-20
Kyle Cromer- Senior - 16-8
Kevin Snyder - Senior - 15-20
Brendan Rothenbucher - Senior - 11-17
John Usery- Senior - 8-3
Kody Simon - Junior - 19-20
Nolan Kessler - Junior - 16-19
Nick Grooms - Sophomore -11-25

Returning Regional Placers

Rico Garcia - 215 - First
Matt Strait - 112 - Fourth '07
Kelly Delatorre - 160 - Sixth

Returning State Qualifiers

Rico Garcia - 215 - Fifth

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