09/30/00 02:45:33
Name: Rudy (The Man) Montejo | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: -35 | Rating of this site (*/5): 3004 | Favourite wrestler: Mick Foley |
Favourite finisher: Snow Plow(for now) | Favourite federation: WWF | Favourite music: SECRET |
sometimes i ride my bike,my bike is blue
04/03/00 05:20:51
Name: Denny | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 20 |
Favourite wrestler: jesse ventura | Favourite finisher: leg drop of doom | Favourite federation: ecw |
Favourite music: TUPAC SUCKS!!!!!!!! |
My update ur shit NiGGA!!!!!! dont run a site if ur gonna be a lazy ass about it.
12/11/99 13:11:40
Name: bluedynamite | My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
Favourite wrestler: stone cold(steve austin) | Favourite finisher: steve blackman | Favourite federation: ww |
Favourite music: stone cold's |
10/25/99 23:14:42
Name: Larry Smith | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: guess | Rating of this site (*/5): 90% | Favourite wrestler: China--(hee,hee) |
Favourite finisher: me | Favourite federation: mine | Favourite music: Boogie,Boogie |
Hey girl, didn't know you had it in you.
This a very fine page,,execept for the blue words.
Am getting to be a old man and can't see to good.
Catch ya Later--------Snuffy
05/28/99 21:06:17
Name: SPECTRE | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 | Rating of this site (*/5): 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!++++++!!! | Favourite wrestler: X-Pac |
Favourite finisher: Stone Cold Stunner | Favourite federation: WWF | Favourite music: X-Pac's |
I LOVE your site! It's sooooooo sweet! I think that the files you've got are great!
05/02/99 14:53:39
Name: joe | My URL: Visit Me | Rating of this site (*/5): 10 |
Favourite wrestler: ba | Favourite finisher: rock bottom | Favourite federation: wwf |
Favourite music: outlaw |
cool site but go to mine and sign the guestbook
05/02/99 14:50:49
Name: joe | My URL: Visit Me | Rating of this site (*/5): 10 |
Favourite wrestler: kane | Favourite finisher: rock bottom | Favourite federation: wwf |
Favourite music: outlaw |
cool site
03/06/99 00:34:04
Name: AznSuperstar | My URL: Visit Me |
Rating of this site (*/5): -5 | Favourite wrestler: InSaNe CLoWn PoSSe |
Favourite finisher: Rock Bottom | Favourite federation: WWF |
i hOpE u KnOw u'Re pAgE sTiLL sUcKs. iT hAsN'T cHaNgEd mUcH sInCe u FiRsT sTaRtEd iT.... ReMeMbER i'M dA rEaL SuPeRsTaR!!!
01/06/99 03:41:43
Name: Steve- RockHard | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 33 | Favourite wrestler: Billy Gunn | Favourite finisher: Pedigree |
Favourite federation: WWF | Favourite music: Depends on mood |
Hey, Site is great!!!
12/28/98 07:53:49
Name: daBestest® | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 | Sex: a lot | Favourite Wrestler: Chavo Jr. |
Favourite Finishing move: Meltdown | Favourite Music: KAI |
Nice site!!! checkz mine's out aiite?!?!
Wrestling kicks ass big time and neone who dislikes it is a fucken gay-ass lamer!!! hehe
12/10/98 22:33:37
Name: Jason Yang | My URL: Too sad to have one | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | Sex: never will | Favourite Wrestler: Fabio |
Favourite Finishing move: Liontamer | Favourite Music: Backstreet Boys | rating of this site (?/5): can't count that high |
you're kweeschuns are two hard. yoo no i kant speel. yoor way two smart for mee. ok. I go und do 5 finger shuffle now.
12/01/98 03:12:38
Name: chris Arnt | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 16 |
Sex: male | Favourite Wrestler: terry Funk | Favourite Finishing move: anything that makess contact with the crotch |
Favourite Music: it's raining men | rating of this site (?/5): 10 |
anything that makess contact with the crotch!
anything that makess contact with the crotch??
anything that makess contact with the crotch!
12/01/98 02:31:56
My URL: Visit Me |
12/01/98 02:29:10
Name: Chris Pylypchuk | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 16 |
Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Scott Steiner & Ken Shamrock | Favourite Finishing move: the Meltdown |
Favourite Music: Rollins Band | rating of this site (?/5): 4.5 |
Ever thing looks, and is great.one suggestion add
wrestlers biographies.
08/14/98 23:12:49
Name: daku | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 21 |
Sex: male | Favourite Wrestler: Tiger Ali Singh Jr. | Favourite Finishing move: Sharpshooter |
Favourite Music: Undertaker |
dis best site i see in long time. Tiger the best wrestler ever. i love him and india. They both really really kwool! i be wrestler in 4 ears. my finisher is going to be "the great bowl of curry"
i put bad guy into ball and i do curry splash and he dead then. vell see you later
08/13/98 04:55:04
Name: Mark Winberry (a.k.a. Talon) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 22 | Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Shawn Michaels |
Favourite Finishing move: Sweet Chin Music | Favourite Music: I love all types of music | rating of this site (?/5): 5/5 |
Loved the site!
06/27/98 05:22:41
Name: DDO ite | My URL: Visit Me |
Sex: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh | Favourite Wrestler: yo mama |
Favourite Finishing move: leg snapper |
Sweet ass site..............how the hell do you know so much about wrestling???????????????????
Go to my site! DDO STRIKES AGAIN
06/25/98 06:33:32
My URL: Visit Me |
06/17/98 04:20:03
Name: Gary Dasjyk | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Malenko |
Favourite Finishing move: Van Daminator | Favourite Music:dX |
Cool. your site is ok. What's happening with the Goldberg vs. Hogan thing...is Hogan gonna win? What about Regal and Snow.....when are they wrestling? What about Copeland? damn it........I wanna see these guys. GET SOME PICS!
06/17/98 04:17:25
Name: Shannon Gaisser | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 | Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Goldberg/ Austin/ or Benoit |
Favourite Finishing move: Stunner | Favourite Music: Wolfpac Theme Song (New One) |
I think It'll get a lot better. I really am a good writer and I can help you if you want. I know just about everything to do with wrestling and also I LOVE IT! Please write me back and tell me what you think. I can also write a sample of this weeks Thunde
report if you want to show you how I write. PLEASE write BACK!!!!!
06/01/98 04:03:30
Name: Canuck | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 16 |
Sex: male | Favourite Wrestler: Owen Hart/all canadian wrestlers | Favourite Finishing move: TKO |
Favourite Music: Owen Hart |
Canadians kick ass in everything!!!!!
All u yankees listen up u better watch u're ass and think twice about coming to Canada!!!!!
Canadian 4 life
06/01/98 04:01:46
My URL: Visit Me | Age: 15 |
Sex: male | Favourite Wrestler: Sting/Stone Cold |
Favourite Finishing move: Stunner |
05/23/98 19:47:23
Name: Fluff Bagsmell | Favourite Wrestler: Buff |
Favourite Finishing move: Blockbuster | Favourite Music: nWo |
Where's your Buff stuff? You gotta get some Buff Stuff...how is buff doing anyways? is he gonna be back soon?? Answer me!!
05/17/98 18:47:25
Name: Stinger1220 | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 15 |
Favourite Wrestler: Sting / Buff | Favourite Finishing move: Diamondcutter | Favourite Music: HBK |
rating of this site (?/5): 4/5 |
Where's the pics? At least you got Sunny.. you update daily..good... fix up your site... get more stuff or something...
05/17/98 01:33:50
Name: GoldAustin | My URL: none | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | Sex: m | Favourite Wrestler:Austin |
Favourite Finishing move: jackhammer | Favourite Music: dX | rating of this site (?/5): 4 |
Where's the pics? SUNNY SUNNY SUNNY!! Get some Austin stuff.... improve!!
05/15/98 05:21:38
Name: WWFreak | My URL: Visit Me | Age: 16 |
Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Goldberg | Favourite Finishing move: Sweet Chin Music |
Favourite Music: Sunny |
Goldberg's the man...nWo can kiss my ass
05/15/98 05:12:26
Name: Ace006 | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 | Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Chris Benoit |
Favourite Finishing move: Stunner | Favourite Music: Brooker T |
i like the Sunny music but the Bret Hart music was gay and try getting some pics and more music
05/13/98 05:55:04
Name: AznAce | Age: 15 |
Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: Sting |
Favourite Finishing move: Stunner |
its nice to know u gave it u're best but it still needs a little work on linking back and also putting Sunny pics in your page. C-ya at school :o)
05/13/98 05:51:56
Name: Peter Gill | Age: 21 |
Sex: Male | Favourite Wrestler: HHH |
Favourite Finishing move: Stunner | Favourite Music: Owen Hart |
try on making links back to your other pages it would make it much easier and also try putting titles for your links to make it much less confusing
05/12/98 23:33:51
Name: dXRulz | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 | Sex: please | Favourite Wrestler: 316 |
Favourite Finishing move: stunner | Favourite Music: DX!!!! | rating of this site (?/5): 4 |
this site is alright. get some more sounds and some pics or something. you update daily don't you? good. you don't have any pics yet!! Get some good Sunny pics on there!!
05/05/98 01:13:49
Name: George Syder | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | Favourite Wrestler: Chris Benoit | Favourite Finishing move: jackhammer |
Favourite Music: dX |
Good start... where's the news..... Austin rules... Benoit, Malenko, Jericho, and Rob Van Dam should go to WWF, they'd be much better appreciated over there... but Undertaker is being overused, and underpaid... he's been too damn loyal..