Getting ready to board the ferry.

Ascending the Three Valleys. Me, Tim, Dunx and Russ in the trusty Nissan (you can with a Nissan);
Jim, Alex, Ned, Fin and Brian in the Jim's Vulva 840.

Nissan. In chains.

Ned - normally a bright lad - takes things a bit too literally after someone suggests we ought to put the snow chains on.

Right - let me just paint the picture. We - in the Nissan - don't bother 'practising' putting our snow chains on before
setting off for the Alps. So when we hit a bit of snow and inconvenience the others in the Volvo by a whole three minutes,
they give us a whole load of grief. "You should have practised putting them on at home," they said; "we'd be there by now if
it wasn't for this," they said; "hurry up," they said.
So what happens? We go and drive a hundred yards when all of a sudden, they stop in the middle of the road (blocking cars and
coaches trying to get in and out of the resort) and get out of the Volvo.
"Come on, you lot," we say, "what's the matter?"
"We put the chains on the wrong wheels," they sheepishly reply.

In the underground car park in Meribel. We all unpack as Alex struggles to fend off a masked terrorist attacker.

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