This page is designed for the "younger" group in Newbury Park Girls Softball. We will constantly be updating this page with various items and hope the kids will visit it often. If parents have ideas for items they would like to see on this page, just e-mail them!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
Fun coloring page!!!
Games to play - hangman, connect four, tic tac toe, and more!
Wonderful site - ages 5+
Great Goosebumps site - ages 10+
Safe web surfing for kids - fun places to visit - all ages
Create a dessert e-mail and mail to anyone for free! Bookmark this page for sure!
Meet the Board of Directors
Check out the All Star Teams and their Tournament Schedule!
What's the Rule?
See who's Managed & Coached the 1998 Teams
Meet the Sponsors for the 1998 Teams
Get Misc. Information
Want to see some Photos?
High Fives and no fives
Especially for the Coaching Staff!
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© 1997