Questions and Answers from the ASA

The following questions and their answers were taken from the ASA Magazine that many of us depend on for information. All of the following apply to fast pitch ASA leagues. Some pertain to certain age groups only and will be clearly stated. If you have a question about a rule you need an answer to, e-mail it to the address at the bottom of this page, and an answer will be sent to you, as well as posted on a new page we will have shortly called "Ask the Umpire". As soon as we have some questions submitted, the page will appear! Answers to you own questions will come from Phil Jennings and Division Representatives.

Since we are into the ALL STAR season, if anyone has rules that pertain to All Star Teams only, or questions concerning such rules, please forward your rule and/or questions to Kay4incali@aol.com and we will print your rule or question on this page. This is a great way for everyone to learn the rules!


Play 1: R2 on 2B with one out. B3 has a 1 ball-1 strike count. On the next pitch, R2 steals third. The pitchers throws a pitch-out behind the back of the batter who is in the right hand batter's box. The catcher is able to catch the ball and throw to third and make the play.

Question: Is it legal to throw a pitch-out behind the batter?

Answer: Yes. As long as the catcher does not step out of the catcher's box before the ball is released by the pitcher. (Rule 6-7A)

Play 2: (10U only) R1 on 1B and R2 on 2B with no outs. On the first pitch to B3, both R1 and R2 advance. The catcher throws the ball to 3B and a) the ball goes into left field, or b) the ball hits the runner and goes out-of-play. Both R1 and R2 advance to 3B and home respectively.

Question: Is this legal?

Answer: In (a) when the ball is thrown back to the infield, the umpire should call time and place R1 on 2B and R2 on 3B. In (b), since the ball went out-of-play, it should be treated as any other ball thrown out-of-play. Both runners advance two bases from the last base touched at the time of the throw. Award R2 home and place R3 at 3B. (Rules 8-4H and 8-6G)

Play 3: (10U only) R1 on 1B and R2 on 3B with no outs. On the first pitch to B3, the ball is a passed ball and it goes out-of-play. R1 was advancing to 2B. Is R1 allowed to go to 3B and R3 allowed to score?

Answer: On any pitched ball which goes out of play, one base is awarded to all runners from the base at the time of the pitch. R1 is awarded 2B, and R2 is awarded home. (Rules 8-6C and 8-4H)

Play 4: (10U only) R1 on 1B and R2 on 3B with no outs. On the first pitch to B3 an illegal pitch is called by the umpire, and the batter does not swing.

Question: Are both runners awarded one base and a ball called on the batter?

Answer: Yes. This follows the same philosophy as the other plays. All awards are made as in all fast pitch play.

Play 5: R1 is on 3B. B2 recieves a walk and the catcher returns the ball directly to the pitcher within the circle. B2 continues all the way to 2B. While B2 is on the way to 2B, R1 is standing off 3B watching the runner. The pitcher does not attempt to make a play on either runner. R1 does not return to 3B until B2 is standing on 2B.

Question: Is R1 out for not continuing toward home or returning to 3B while the pitcher holds the ball in the circle?

Answer: Yes. Once the pitcher has the ball in the circle, it is up to each runner to make a move. If R1 just stands off the base, she should be called out and the ball ruled dead. B1 should be returned to B1, as a result of a dead ball. (rule 8-8T and POE #26).

Remember, if you have a question, just submit it to the e-mail address at the bottom of this page, and we will e-mail you an answer and post it on this page!!

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