We need for sale ads, we need wanted to buy ads, we need looking for players ads, we need looking for teams ads, we need all kinds of ads that have anything to do with paintball.
I have no way of knowing if the equipment gets sold so from now on I will date all ads and delete them after 2 months. If you wish you can resubmit. Thanks for all your responses.
To get your ad posted fill out the form below or email the info to paintballnb@hotmail.com. Put the word "ads" in the subject line.
Tell us:
- What you want to advertise.
- Who you are.
- How to get hold of you. E-mail if possible.
- Location
- How much your asking
Classified Ad Form
Don't delay, I know there are people out there looking to buy gear. Maybe its time to do that upgrade you're planning?
Price | Location | Phone # | E-Mail/Name | Description | Date |
$125 | Apohaqui, NB | (506)433-3955 | Terry Soucy | Pirhana STS G3, Hopper, 12 oz, carrying case | July 26/04 |
$500 | Sussex, NB | (506)433-4242 | Mitchell Stockdale | 2k3 impulse with a bunch of sweet stuff freak back, RIP valve, blade trigger, will trade for a cocker of equal value | June 1/04 |