Players Code of Conduct
1) I will wear paintball goggles while playing paintball, and keep them on until in a safety area.
2) I will treat every paintgun as if it is loaded and I will follow the rules of safe paintgun handling.
3)I will be respectful to all other players, staff and
spectators and will not be physically or verbally abusive to others.
4) I will not shoot at another person with the intent to cause harm.
5) I will obey all rules of the field I am playing on.
6) I will carry my paintgun in a case or bag when in public and will not display or brandish it so as to frighten or alarm anyone.
7) I will store my paintgun out of the reach of children.
8) I will avoid playing at any paintball field that does not follow basic rules of safe play, and I will report any unsafe conditions to the field operator and the APA.
9) I will encourage new players to try the sport of paintball and will treat new players with respect.