
Name: Sierra Michelle Sapunar
Birthday: 1-31-82
Age: 18
Height: 5'3"
Birthplace: Sebastapol, California
Residence: Athens, Georgia and Cincinnati, Ohio
Parents: Jon who used to be a tumbler, and Theresa who was a nationally ranked tennis player. Both are pyschotherapists.
Photo copyright USA Gymnastics online Pets: Two cats, Ashes, a huge grey long haired male, and Lizzie, Ashes mom, a petite long haired black cat, and 1 dog, Lucy, an 8 year old fuzzy, white Bichon Frise
School: University of Georgia
Major: Psychology
Favorite Events: Floor and Bars
Least Favorite Event: Beam
Current Coach: Suzanne Yoculan
Former Club: Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy
Former Coaches: Mary Lee Tracy and Terry Grey
Favorite Moment of Elite Competition: Winning Team gold at the Pacific Alliance Meet
Something Most People Don't Know: She loves animals and she wishes she could have many, many animals, but her parents won't let her.

Sierra's gymnastics routines (2000-20001):

Vault: Hristakieva

Bars: Healy-Jaegar, 1.5 pirouette-overshoot 1/2 to handstand, double layout dismount.

Beam: jump to split mount, flic flac-layout stepout-layout stepout, punch front, switch leap-shushanova, gainer full

Floor: double twisting front-front pike, 2.5-punch front, Rudi-layout stepout
