INSTRUCTIONS: How to create a table tennis club homepage

The program will generate HTML that you can use to advertise your club on the web. You will be responsible for getting it on the web, and some suggestions are made for accomplishing this. A JavaScript enabled browser is required, only Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 has been tested.

Step by step directions
1. Decide if you want to include mapping information. If you do, you will need to know the latitude and longitude of the playing location. and both have facilities to find this information.
2. Decide if you want a message board. A message board is nice for posting announcements, challenges, closings, etc... Many sites on the internet offer free message boards, and are but two. If you want to create a message board you will need the URL before you run the HTML generation program.
3. Click here to start the HTML generation program. Fill in as many of the fields as you can. All the fields are optional, don't put anything in fields that don't apply to your club. If you have a message board fill in it's URL in one of the Club links fields, be sure to add a label for it also.
Please note that the program does not do any error checking, whatever you type in will simply be wrapped in HTML. If you make a mistake you will need to retype everything, so double check your work before pressing the "Create HTML" button.
4. Pressing the "Create HTML" button will pop up a browser window with your table tennis home page. Save your page from that window by selecting "Save As" from the File menu. Save the HTML to a file on your local hard drive.
5. If you are lucky all you will need to do is email the HTML file to your webmaster. It would be nice if the USATT provided this service to us in the future. But until then, there are many sites on the internet that will give you space for free. Sign up for a free page at or or one of the many others who provide this service. Follow the directions of your site provider to upload the HTML that you saved from step #4.
6. Advertise your site. Make flyers and pass them out to club members. Register your site at Ask for listings at and Canupnet



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