There was a pancake breakfast that day, and the Mooney fly-in was a make-up for the one originally scheduled the previous month - when the lousy weather caused the fly-in to flop!
Here is Norm Clemmer being awarded the "Best Mooney" trophy from Frank Romeo.
Doug Brunner (shown with his young copilot) gets the prize for the furthest distance to attend the fly-in.
He came up from the Baltimore area.
One of our flyers heading home. The weather started to crump again at the end of the morning.
Some of the Mooneys - parked along the taxiway across from the EAA hangar.
Candie & Rae Willis flew in with their nice Mooney Missile N3515H.
David Feinstein flew in with fellow Mooney pilot Gabe Pettner from Bridgeport, CT..
Some of the other Mooneys parked on the ramp south of the EAA hangar.
N1075C belongs to Rick West of Brockport, NY
Doug Brunner and his daughter flew in in their beautiful, new 2000 Ovation 2.