I am under the impression that Andalusia is a backwards place, with deplorable schools, ignorant people and bad government. I have never been there but that is the impression I get from the official website of Andalusia, Alabama, where they claim "A Proud Heritage - A Progressive Future". I know nothing about their heritage but when you are really backwards and ignorant the future can only be better. In their page titled "Fast Facts" it says
The page would more accurately be titled "Fast and loose facts we just made up". I must think that Andalusia, Alabama, cannot afford decent teachers. At least not a decent geography teacher because otherwise they would know that Andalusia is not a province of Spain but a region of Spain which comprises several provinces. The page goes on to say:
I could quibble with "Ande" meaning "to walk" but let us overlook that. "Lutier" means "easy" in Spanish? Obviously the city of Andalusia cannot afford a Spanish teacher, or even a Spanish dictionary, or even an Internet connection or even a quarter for a phone call to someone who speaks Spanish or to the National Geographic Society. Lutier is not a Spanish word at all and has no similarity or resemblance to any Spanish word which means "easy" or "difficult" or "banana". This is just plain, made-up, crap. Search the Internet for "lutier" and see how many pages in Spanish you find. If those responsible for the website could read a book or could type "google" into their browser they could easily find out that the name "Andalucía" derives from the Arabic name for the region, "Al Andalus". From Wikipedia we can learn that
"Al" is the Arabic article meaning "the"; "Al Andalus" means "The Vandals". So, in summary, "Andalusia" is derived from "Vandals", the Germanic people who overran Spain and northern Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. Obviously, that is also the origin of the meaning of "vandal" as "one who defaces, damages or destroys someone else's property". Some time ago I wrote the web master pointing out the error but since it has not been corrected I feel entitled to point it out. The error is repeated in a number of other web sites which, I imagine, have copied from that source. I may add them to this page of shame if I feel they are being persistent in their ignorance. .
Added 9 January 2007: