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Schuylkill County Scuba Club

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diveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Picturesdiveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Meetingsdiveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Membersdiveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Bylaws

diveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Dives and Tripsdiveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Mission Statement diveflagsm.gif (2230 bytes)Officers


ARTICLE 1 - Name of Organization
This organization shall be called the Schuylkill County SCUBA Club (SCSC).

ARTICLE 2 - Purpose
. This club is organized to provide its members with the opportunity to participate in the sport of SCUBA diving through safe diving techniques, education and enjoyment.
. To provide basic and advanced SCUBA diving instruction, refresher pool sessions, club group activities, and access to individual dive partners.
. To preserve all ocean and inland waterways and their inhabitants, by promoting environmental awareness and removing marine debris thus enhancing and rehabilitating the environment.
. To abide by the rules imposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Fish and Games as applied to diving.
. To advise and assist novice divers in safe diving practices.

ARTICLE 3 - Membership
Section 1 - General membership rules
. Residents of Schuylkill County and the surrounding area.
. All divers must be certified by (PADI, NASDS, etc.) or other nationally recognized organization.
. Non-divers may be eligible if they possess attributes that can benefit the club as a whole.
. Persons desiring to become members of the SCSC should request an application for membership from any club member. The application must be submitted along with the membership dues for consideration at the next regular monthly meeting. Applications must be approved by a majority vote of active members.
. Members must attend 3 of the SCSC functions to be considered active.
. A roster showing each member's status and home phone number will be kept available to all members.
. Members must have on file:
A current release from liability.
A personal information sheet including copies of certifications.

Section 2 - Membership classes
. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: To be considered active members must pay the annual dues and meet the attendance requirements. In addition to having the right to vote on club matters, active members will also have priority over inactive members in placement for trips and other club activities.
. INACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: Any due paying member that does not meet the attendance requirements.
. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP: Any individual may be elected to an honorary membership upon recommendation of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of a quorum of the active membership. These members shall not pay dues, and not hold any elective or appointed office and are not entitled to any voting rights.

Section 3 - Dues
. Dues shall be assessed annually at a rate to be determined during the annual reorganization meeting. Dues are payable on the first day of the fiscal year. A ninety day grace period will be provided following the first of the year during which those members whose dues payment is delinquent shall retain all membership privileges.

Section 5 - Safety Offenses
. Any member who is observed violating a basic SCUBA or SCSC rules or regulations may be considered for suspension or termination.
. Offenses must be presented in writing (including date, time, location, and a brief description) at a regular monthly meeting where they will be reviewed by all members present.
. The member will be given written notice of the charges and will be allowed the opportunity to respond.
. The SCSC will decide by majority vote of active members whether to suspend or terminate the member in question.

Section 4 - Dismissal from the Club
. Any member may be terminated from membership in the SCSC for safety violations or conduct inconsistent with acceptable behavior.
. Any member who has been terminated may request a review by a committee of at least five members to include three officers and two members appointed by the Board of Directors. This committee may uphold or reverse the decision.
. If the committee upholds the decision, the person must wait one year before reapplying for membership.

ARTICLE 4 - Finances
. The club Treasury exists to defray all club operating expenses and for the purchases of club owned equipment.
. All checks and funds issued must be authorized by at least three of the elected officers.

ARTICLE 5 - Officers/Directors
Section 1 - Duties of the Club Officers
. Preside over all meetings of the club.
. Submit a quarterly report of club activities.
. Know the officers and members.
. Know the SCSC financial status and monitor spending.
. Attend SCSC meetings and activities.
. See that the SCSC maintains a complete slate of officers.

. Fulfill the duties of the President during his/her absence.
. Schedule programs and speaking guests for meetings.

. Fulfill the duties of the Vice President during his/her absence.
. Help maintain a current membership list.
. Maintain personal files on all members as described in ARTICLE 3.
. Take minutes and roll call at meetings.

. Fulfill the duties of the Secretary during his/her absence.
. Issue receipts and collect money.
. Keep accurate records of expenses and receipts.
. See that all SCSC members have paid their dues and have been issued SCSC membership cards.
. Assist the President with monitoring spending.

. Publish periodic newsletters for members.
. Prepare press releases and announcements for the local newspapers.
. Work with the President to promote SCSC activities and trips.

Section 2 - Board of Directors
. The elected officers shall serve ad the Board of Directors to expedite the business of the club by taking all necessary actions consistent with the express desires of the club.
. All actions of the Board of Directors must be taken by vote of a majority of its members. The secretary shall keep minutes of the Board meetings and these shall be available to the membership.
. Among other things the Board of Directors shall be specifically authorized to order disbursements of the club funds in an emergency situation and to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors.
. The Board of Directors shall appoint all committees.
Section 3 - Election of officers
. Club members shall be elected to serve a one year term.
. Nominations for officers shall be held during the regular monthly meeting in November.
. Elections will be by majority vote of active members held at the regular meeting in December. Voting by proxy will be permitted by active members.
. In the event of a vacancy the membership will nominate a replacement at the next monthly meeting and vote on the nomination at the following meeting.

ARTICLE 6 - Meetings
. Unless otherwise ordered by the club or the Board of Directors, regular business meetings will be held monthly. Additional meetings may be held when a presentation, speaker, or other seminar is available or desired.
. The last meeting of the fiscal year shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of installation of officers, for receiving annual reports of officers and committees, for setting dues for the next fiscal year, and for any other business that may arise.
. Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Board of Directors or upon presentation of a petition signed by one fourth of the active membership. An attempt shall be made to call the meeting within ten days notice. The Secretary must attempt to notify all members of such special meeting by any means possible in the time allowed. The notice for the special meeting shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called and that only the special business will be discussed. Special meetings may not be used to amend these bylaws.
ARTICLE 7 - Committees
. Committees shall be appointed as needed to assist in operation the club and will have the responsibility to plan, organize and administer specific club events as established by the Board of Directors.
. The committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 8 - Conduct of Business
. The rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order", revised edition, shall govern all meetings of the club when applicable and when not inconsistent with the By-laws.
. The fiscal year shall run concurrent with the calendar year.

Section 1 - Officers/Directors
. No contract or other document obligating the SCSC shall be entered into except by the President or Vice President with the consent of the active membership and Board of Directors or by persons so authorized by the President or Vice President with the consent of the active membership and Board of Directors.
. No obligation of indebtedness shall be entered into without the approval of the majority of members present at a regularly scheduled or specially called meeting of the SCSC.
. No officer or member of the SCSC shall, as such, have any personal liability for acts of the SCSC, SCSC committees, or the SCSC Board of Directors other than as a member.

Section 2 - Members
. Participate actively in club activities.
. Attend meetings regularly.
. Contribute some of their free time to duties of the club.
. Keep themselves physically and professionally fit to participate in diving activities.
. Strictly adhere to diving science and the sport of SCUBA by their own personal conduct and behavior.

. The club shall sponsor two types of dive trips; those requiring the use of a boat, and those where no boat is used.
. Persons of all ages may participate in club trips. Participation shall be subject to the following rules.
. Priority for spaces on all trips will be given to active club members, then inactive members. All non-club members wishing to participate in a club trip will, whenever it is deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, be put on a standby basis until three weeks before a trip is scheduled. If at that time there is space available the non-club member will be given a space according to the order in which their name appears on the standby list.
. Participants may not violate federal or state laws while on a club trip.
. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or adult SCSC member who will accept responsibility for the minor. All minors not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian must have a release signed by a parent or legal guardian before they will be allowed to go on any club trip.
. The Board of Directors or its designee shall establish a cost per individual to cover trip expenses. The cost shall be equal for all participants except as follows.
. If multiple options are offered, each will be priced separately.
. A surcharge, specified in advance by the Board of Directors, will be levied on guests if deemed necessary.
. The Board of Directors or its designee shall establish a payment schedule for the trip. This schedule shall be comprised of a minimum deposit to secure the reservation and a final installment due before the actual trip. All payments received will be deposited with the club Treasurer. If a full installment is not received prior to departure on the trip, the reservation is subject to immediate cancellation. For refund purposes, this cancellation shall be interpreted as occurring after the payment date.
. The person deemed in charge of the trip shall accept reservations and fill available spaces on the trip upon receipt of the specified deposit and a written request describing the number and type of reservations requested. Trip spaces will be filled in the order they are received. The person in charge shall maintain a standby list for those persons in excess of the trip capacity who have requested reservations. Payments by those persons on standby shall not be accepted until they can be accommodated on the trip. In the event that the appropriate person on the standby list cannot be contacted in a reasonable amount of time, the space will be assigned to the next eligible person who can be contacted. The person bypassed shall retain his/her position on the standby list. Written confirmation shall be made by the trip chairperson to those holding firm reservations and those that are on standby. Notification of a change in status from standby to firm reservation constitutes a demand for immediate payment equal to the past due payment. Written confirmation of a reservation shall be made when the payment is received.
. Cancellations of reservations will be accepted only in writing. The order of cancellation shall be determined by the order in which cancellations are received by the trip chairperson. Cancellations will be subject to the following refund policies.
. If the vacancy is filled, a full refund will be made when the replacement's payment is received by the Treasurer. If there is no standby list, the responsibility for locating a replacement rests solely upon the person who cancels. Written notice that a particular person constitutes a replacement must be submitted by the canceling person within (5) days of the replacement.
. If the vacancy is not filled, the club will refund only the recoverable trip expenses, at such time as they are received by the club.
. Save diving is required. All diving participants on a club dive must be certified. All participants on a club dive must sign a release form for that dive trip. At no time will a diver dive alone while participating in a club function.

ARTICLE 11 - Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws
These Constitution and By-Laws may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of active members present at a regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been presented to the members of the SCSC at the previous meeting. All active members must be notified by mail that a change has been proposed 14 days prior to the meeting when the changes will be voted on.

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