Emergency First Aid

Anaphylaxis (Severe Allergic Reaction)

    Itching, rash, hives, runny nose, wheezing, paleness, clod sweats, low blood pressure,     coma, cardiac arrest.


    If Victim is Unconscious, Not Breathing:
        1.  Yell for help.  Don't leave the victim.
        2.  Begin mouth-to-mouth recitation immediately.
        3.  If there is no heartbeat, give external cardiac massage.
        4.  Have someone call 911
        5.  Don't stop CPR until help arrives

    If Victim is Unconscious and Breathing:
        1.  Call 911
        2.  If you can't get help immediately, take patient to the nearest emergency facility.



    Bright red blood pumping from an injured artery, or darker blood if a large vein has been injured.  Bleeding caused by any serious injury should be treated in an emergency facility.


   1.  Cover entire injured area with a clean cloth, or bare hands if no cloth is available.
    2.  Apply strong pressure directly on injured area for 10 minutes while awaiting emergency
    3.  If direct pressure doesn't control brisk bleeding, use a tourniquet.  Make a tourniquet from a
         length of cloth or other material.  Wrap and tie the cloth around the extremity above the
         wound.  Place a stick or other rigid object between the cloth and wound.  Twist the rigid
         object several times until tight pressure has been applied and bleeding stops.  Note how long
         the tourniquet has been in place so emergency medical personnel can take appropriate action.



    Unconsciousness; jerking or twitching of the arms, legs or face; loss of bowel or bladder control (sometimes).


    1.  When the victim begins to fall, soften the fall by catching his/her body, laying it down gently
         and turning the head to one side.
    2.  Don't restrain the person.  Clear the area of any objects so the victim won't be injured.
    3.  Don't try to separate the teeth or insert objects to keep the victim for biting his/her tongue.
    4.  Don't throw ice water on the victim.
    5.  Don't attempt to force water of fluid until the patient is fully conscious and asks for them.
    6.  Call for medical help and stay with the patient.

Fractures, Dislocations or Severe Sprains


    Extreme pain and tenderness in the injured area; change in appearance of injured part, such as swelling, protruding bone or blood under the skin.  Extremity, such as finger, arm or leg, may be bent out of normal position.

    1.  Control and bleeding (see instruction above)
    2.  Immobilize the injured area and keep movement to a minimum.  To do so for obvious fractures
         of the finger, wrist, arm, leg, ankle or foot, improvise a splint from stiff rolled-up paper, scrap
         wood or metal.
    3.  Attach the splint firmly to injured extremity with strips of cloth, twine or tape.
    4.  Prevent swelling by applying ice and elevating the splinted part.
    5.  If leg, back or neck is severely injured and possibly fractured or dislocated, keep the patient
         warm and immobilized until the ambulance arrives.  DON'T move the victim.
    6.  Watch for signs of shock.

Head, Neck or Back Injury


    Head Injury:  Drowsiness or confusion; vomiting and nausea; blurred vision; pupils of different size' loss of consciousness; amnesia or memory lapses; irritability; headache; bleeding of the scalp, if the skin is broken.
    Neck of Back Injury:  Pain in the neck or back; paralysis or difficulty in moving.


   1.  Assume that all injuries to the head, neck or back may also involve damage to the spinal cord.
    2.  Call 911 immediately!
    3.  Avoid moving the patient, if at all possible.
    4.  If the injured person is unconscious and lying face-down so he or she cannot breath, obtain
         assistance from several people to carefully support and roll the injured person.
    5.  Give CPR once help arrives

Heart Attack


    Chest pain that lasts more than 2 minutes and radiates into the jaw or arm; unexplained
heavy sweating; weakness; nausea; pale skin; irregular pulse.


    If Victim is Unconscious, Not Breathing:
        1.  Yell for help.  Don't leave the victim.
        2.  Begin mouth-to-mouth rececitation immediately.
        3.  If there is no heartbeat, give external cardiac massage.
        4.  Have someone call 911
        5.  Don't stop CPR until help arrives

    If Victim is Unconscious and Breathing:
        1.  Call 911
        2.  If you can't get help immediately, take patient to the nearest emergency facility



    Moist, cold, pale skin; fast weak pulse; rapid breathing; disorientation; anxiety with feelings of impending doom; low blood pressure (sometimes so low it cannot be read); unconsciousness (sometimes).


    If Victim is Unconscious, Not Breathing:
        1.  Yell for help.  Don't leave the victim.
        2.  Begin mouth-to-mouth rececitation immediately.
        3.  If there is no heartbeat, give external cardiac massage.
        4.  Have someone call 911
        5.  Don't stop CPR until help arrives

    If Victim is Unconscious and Breathing:
        1.  Call 911
        2.  If you can't get help immediately, take patient to the nearest emergency facility

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Last updated: May 8, 1998  By: Tara Derby
e-mail address: bderby@oregontrail.net  Copyright 1998 By: Tara Derby.  All rights reserved 
R.I.C.E  Care of Casts  Nutrition for Athletes  Emergency First Aid