Where would you like to go today?

my mission site

my Book of Mormon page (still under construction)

My family page

My World Champion New York Yankee page

my quote page

Here we go again

Find just the right word

read some of my short stories

play a little with html and javascript

take today's quiz...if you dare

see some pix i have taken myself

go to some other very important sites

"I bargained with life for a penny, only to learn, dismayed, that any wage I would have asked of life, life would have paid."
The World Champion New York Yankees' Official Site

Watch out now, kids. I've started using CorelXara and PhotoPaint. You're going to start seeing more graphics and junk here. But the code is still all written in HTML and I am not using an editor at all (kind of like when Queen never used synthesizers). By the way, if you click on the exploding banner above, it will take you to the New York Yankees' official site!
Speaking of the Yankees, in my humble opinion, this year's club is the greatest baseball team of all time. No other team in history can match their record. No other team in history can match their pitching. No other team in history can match their cohesiveness and team play. You guys are the man!!!! Congratulations to the greatest team of all-time!!!

Go World Series.com to read all about the tremendous victory!!

You knew that I couldn't leave DAVE's head out, didn't you? My site just wouldn't be the same without it. Just click on his head to go to his website, RegionalWeb.com!! And click on Homer's head to send Dave some e-mail!!

go to RegionalWeb.com Send Davey an e-mail

And last but not least, you can e-mail me, too. Just click on Bart's head.

send me some e-mail from my dopey web site

Well, i guess that's about it. Hope you liked my first effort. Next I'm going to tackle frames. So watch out for that!

later, dudesSEE YOU!!
