I'm the Big Dog of the
Once Oakland Softball Team. We play slow pitch
in Topeka,KS.
Here is a message to all PlAYAZ!!!(loads slow)
After a well deserved victory or a heartbreaking
defeat we all travel over to the BRASS RAIL for our
favorite beverage.
Our team motto"Bats by Easton Bodies by Budweiser!!!"
1st Place Men's Division 5 Tuesday nights Topeka Softball
It's 2004 and Cinco De Mayo is just around the corner. Checkout what we have in our dugout and Tourney sections .The Tournament "Lucky "Number 7" is scheduled for July 24, and July 25, 2004 These will be updated weekly. COMING SOON PICS OF "THE BOYZ" IN ACTION!!!!! A SPECIAL THANKS TO UNCLE RUDY PEREZ FOR HIS HOSPITALITY DURING FIESTA MEXICANA!!!!
We would like to show our appreciation for a member of the Crew who is hanging up his spikes and is moving into the front office. His years of dedication and fire will be missed on the diamond,but not at the Rail or other endeavors. A special ONCE OAKLAND shout out and a tip of the bottle goes out to ...
Tim Venegas
If you want to check out what's new in 2004 or see whats up at our
tournament check out our Dugout.
Softball is not all I know if you want some of the latest Tejano Music news or local softball action or some of my favorite teams checkout my favorites page it will be loaded with cool stuff.
While your here try your luck at some poker, but please don't strip!!!!!